The Battle of Fort Fisher, N.C.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

A Real Big Surprise-- Forrest High School Retains Name

Last night, in a 5-2 vote, Duval County School Board members voted to retain the Nathan Bedford Forrest name at the Jacksonville High School. I was sure it would be changed in today's anti-Confederate climate that seems to be so pervasive. Especially since Forrest was in on the early formation of the KKK. Even I might have drawn the line here.

The two votes to change it came from the two black school board members and the five whites voted to keep it. So, it was definitely a racial vote.

One black member said that Forrest was a "terrorist and a racist."

Forrest High School was originally all-white, but today is half black. It has failed the state's assessment test the last two years.

Sure Had Mixed Feelings on This One. --Old B-Runner