Today marks the beginning of the third year, and end of the first full year with this blog. The very first blog entry was November 1, 2007. I started it because I was finding that I was entering more and more Civil War stuff on my Down Da Road blog which is primarily about my life.
I've always been a Civil War buff since age 7. It is a big reason why I ended up as a social studies/history teacher for 33 years. However, I must admit that my following of it somewhat lagged over the years. However, I found that it was coming back and decided I should have a blog devoted to ALCW (All Things Civil War).
My main interests in the war are Fort Fisher, naval, and anything coastal. I'm also a member of the Camp Douglas Camp of the Sons of Confederate Veterans here in Illinois.
In 2007, I had 55 postings and 376 last year. On all my blogs, I try to average one a day. This is my 432nd post.
My other blogs are: about me. about old roads like Route 66. about history and a lot of WW II.
Will I make 365 posts this year?
Only Time Will Tell. -Old B-Runner