The Battle of Fort Fisher, N.C.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Kinston, NC's Civil War Heritage

As I start on the next 1000 blog entries today.

Few cities could be called more interested in their Civil War heritage than Kinston, North Carolina. Not satisfied with the excellent job they are currently doing, the city has hired the Kentucky firm of Mudpuppy and Waterdog, Inc. to devise a comprehensive plan for the areas tourism in regards to the war.

Works has been done on two battle sites in the community as well as the ironclad CSS Neuse where visitors can see part of the original's hull as well as a full-size replica of the ship.

The firm has been touring sites and interviewing civic leaders, locals and experts.

Tonight, a meeting is being held in the town library to get more input from citizens.

One of the two battles was Union General John Foster's Raid in December 1862, south of the Neuse River where the outnumbered Confederates under General Nathan Evans slowed the Union advance before being pushed back. Union forces occupied Kinston the next day.

Keep Up the Great Work, Kinston. --Old B-Runner

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