The Battle of Fort Fisher, N.C.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

And, What Is Badinage?

In the last post, I mentioned that Captain Daniel Oakey of the 2nd Massachusetts regiment said, "The regimental wits were as ready as ever, and amid a flow of lively badinage we toiled on through the mud."

I'd never seen the word "Badinage" before, but in context figured it had to do something with joking around. I was correct.

As a noun, it means light, playful banter and repartee. As a verb it means to banter with or tease playfully., raillery (another word I am not familiar with). It is from the French word Badiner meaning to joke. It was first used around 1658 and Shakespeare's plays are full of badinage.

Now, You and I Know. --Old Secesh

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