The Battle of Fort Fisher, N.C.

Thursday, December 19, 2013

"Saw Horrors Enough for a Century:" Seven Days Battles-- Part 5: About Those Letters

"One thing I want you to notice. During my survey I picked up and looked over at least 1000 letters. not a single one was correctly written or spelled, and they were rarely decent.

"They all instigated those they were written to murder & steal. they evinced neither love of this country nor sympathy for our slaves, indeed the working classes spoke of the negroes with murderous hate, as probable competitors to lower the price of labor.

"They hate us blindly & [?] they believe us to be an aristocracy (and so we are, thank God) and they hate us as the French canaille hated the noblesse in the revolution then."

-- Old Secesh

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