The Battle of Fort Fisher, N.C.

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

"Moonlight and Magnolias" Painting by Mort Kunstler

From the Lang 2015 Kunstler Civil War Calendar for April.


"On Saturday, April 6, 1861, Edward and Minerva Sparrow held a grand secession ball at Arlington Plantation and people attended from as far away as Baton Rouge and New Orleans.  At this time, Louisiana troops were among the best equipped and uniformed in the Confederacy.

"There was still no standardization and there were as many blue coated Confederates in Louisiana as gray clad ones.  The glamour and pageantry would all change as the war would grind on to its inevitable conclusion of destruction and grief.

"In 1863, Grant came down the Mississippi and spent more than two months trying to cut a canal from the river to Lake Providence.  Union officers who used Arlington Plantation as their headquarters included MacPherson, McMillan and Macarthur.  Grant visited the house as well.

"Needless to say, life at Arlington Plantation would never be the same."

--Old Secesh

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