The Battle of Fort Fisher, N.C.

Friday, July 17, 2015

The SCV Sees the Flag Controversy As a "Nightmare"-- Part 1

From the July 15, 2015, Yahoo! News--  Reuters "Sons of Confederacy sees flag controversy as 'nightmare'" by Gary Robertson.

I sure see it as a nightmare.  Anti-Confederate attacks were bad enough before the Charleston murders, but now, they have no limit.  It is everywhere you look.

Charles Kelly Barrow, Commander-in-Chief of the Sons of Confederate Veterans (SCV) says he fails to understand the wave of hostility directed at the Confederate flag following the massacre.  "I'll use the words of Jefferson Davis.  We just want to be left alone."

Barrow and about 1,000 members of the SCV are having their annual convention in Richmond, Virginia starting this weekend.  This is the 120th National Reunion of the organization founded in 1896 to carry on the ideals of the Confederate soldiers as they were starting to die of old age.  Membership is open to male descendants.

--Old Secesh

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