The Battle of Fort Fisher, N.C.

Thursday, January 25, 2018

What the Allies Did With Nazi Monuments After World War II-- Part 1: Directive 30

From the August Browbeat site  "How did we treat monuments to white supremacists when they weren't our white supremacists" by Mathhew Dessem.

Legislation Dealing With the Liquidation of German Military and Nazi Memorials and Museums.

On May 4, 1946, Directive 30 was issued to Allied forces.

"On and after the date of this directive, the planning, designing, erection, installation, posting or other display of any monument, memorial, poster, statue, edifice, street or highway name marker, emblem, tablet or insignia which tends to preserve and keep alive German military tradition, to revive militarism or to commemorate the Nazi Party, or which is of such nature as to glorify incidents of the war and the functioning of military museums and exhibition, and the erection, installation, or posting or other display on a building or other structure of any of the same, will be prohibited and declared illegal; also the reopening of military museums or exhibitions."

Surely a Lot of Legalize, but, in other words, nothing goes up or stays up to glorify the Nazis.

Bur, Wait!!  There's More!!  --Old Secesh

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