The Battle of Fort Fisher, N.C.

Saturday, February 17, 2018

Civil War II-- 606: What Is the Future of Confederate Statues?

From the August 15, 2017, Civil War North Carolina Google Alerts.

**  What's the future for North Carolina's Confederate statues?  There are more than 200 Confederate memorials and statues in the state that are protected by a 2015 state law.

The article also has a video of the desecration of the Confederate statue in Durham.

**  Protesters topple Confederate statue in North Carolina.  (Loss)  They weren't so much protesters as they were guilty of a hate crime.

**  Around 100 demonstrate in Pack Square following deadliest white supremacist rally in Virginia.  (Asheville, N.C.)  Remember that the Confederate-haters were just as nasty and ugly as the white supremacists.

Sure Wish Those of Us Who Revere Confederate Soldiers Did Not Have the "Help" of the White Supremacists.  --Old Secesh

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