The Battle of Fort Fisher, N.C.

Saturday, September 8, 2018

Getting Ready to Go To the Lincoln Funeral Car in Antioch

I have to thank my buddy Glenn who last night at the American Legion mentioned that he and Barb had gone to the Lincoln Funeral Car in Antioch, Illinois, on Thursday.  I had forgotten entirely about it being there.

It has been there for two weeks.  On August 25, out McHenry County Civil War Round Table discussion group had visited it.  Of course, I would have been with them, but that happened to be Liz and my 45th wedding anniversary and we were in Galena, another place with a fair bit of Civil War history.

There were also other Civil-related things going on in Antioch while it was here, but again, I forgot about it all together.

Well, Thanks Glenn.  --Old Secesh

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