The Battle of Fort Fisher, N.C.

Monday, November 2, 2020

MCCWRT Discussion Group on Benjamin Butler-- Part 3: About W.B. Mumford and Butler's Illicit Cotton Deals

**  W.B. Mumford of New Orleans tore down the U.S. flag after the city's surrender and was hanged by order of Benjamin Butler (BB).  However, BB took care of Mumford's family after the war.

**  The Confederates offered a $10,000 reward for anyone shooting and killing Butler.

**  BB and Confederate spy Belle Boyd.  Grilled her at Fortress Monroe but let her go.  Forced her to leave New York City and go to England.

**  Lincoln would repurpose generals like in the case of Gen. John Pope who he sent to Minnesota to clear out the Indians to clear land for soldiers.

**  Butler was very wealthy.

**  BB was very well known in New Orleans before the war.

**  Andrew Jackson Butler, BB's brother, made the deals for them.  BB's textile factories needed cotton and BB certainly got a lot of cotton in areas he had military command.  Lincoln knew about this illicit cotton trade, but didn't do anything.

--Old Secesh

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