The Battle of Fort Fisher, N.C.

Saturday, May 11, 2024

The Chicago Civil War Round Table: About Those Battlefield Tours

This was the very first Civil War Round Table (CWRT).  I actually belonged to it for a few years back in the late 1970s.

Until 1977, the Chicago CWRT didn't allow women to become members.  They could, however, attend meetings.  That caused one woman, Marilyn Steele to form the Salt Creek CWRT, which currently meets in Glen Ellyn.

The Chicago CWRT offers an annual tour of Civil War battlefields which is well attended.  This year they have scheduled a four-day bus tour to Gettysburg on April 24-28.  (Sorry, you missed it, so did I.)  Last year's tour covered the Red River Campaign in Louisiana.

"The only way to fully understand a battle is to visit the site says Robert Girardi.  I have visited over 100 Civil War battlefields.  In November, I spend two days hiking over the fields at Shiloh, Tennessee."

--Old Secesh

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