The Battle of Fort Fisher, N.C.

Saturday, June 22, 2024

McHenry County CWRT Presentation June 11, 2024: John Brown: Hero or Terrorist, Martyr or Mad Man?

 The McHenry County Civil War Round Table met June 11, 2024, at the Woodstock Public Library in Woodstock, Illinois, and were treated to an presentation on none other than John Brown by Bob Pressman of the Rock River Valley CWRT.  I wrote about Bob Pressman and his Round Table earlier this month in this blog.

 At the end of his talk, he had us vote as to which of the four descriptions of him were most appropriate:  Hero or Terrorist, Martyr or Mad Man.  I voted all but hero.  I am Southern and there was no way he was a hero.  But I did agree on the other three cases.  He fit them all. And, yes, I can see why he is a hero to some, just not me.

Bob Pressman opened saying that John Brown was a "bundle of contradictions."  He was probably the single biggest solo reason why the Civil War was fought.  Some say the Civil War actually began at Harpers Ferry on October 16, 1859.

I agree.  

What John Brown was trying to do was the biggest Southern fear of them all.  The fear of a slave insurrection, armed and killing owners went to the deepest part of the Southern heart.  And, it would have been one thing for John Brown and a small band of followers doing what they did.

But what really got the Southerners was how the North regarded John Brown as a hero and/or martyr.

How can you live in a country where a lot of the people want you dead?

--Old Secesh

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