The Battle of Fort Fisher, N.C.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

SUVCW Honors Union Soldier

The May 24th Fremont (Ne) Tribune said that the local group of Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War had a service honoring a Union soldier.

The state department commander said that Memorial Day was started by the Grand Army of the Republic, the organization to which former Union servicemen belonged. Membership was restricted to those members who had sreved in the Army, Navy, Marines, or Revenue Cutter services during the war. This limited the existence of the group which ceased to exist in 1956.


In 1881, the Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War was formed to carry on. Membership to this organization is open to any man who can prove direct ancestry. In recent years, associate members have been allowed.

There are five allied orders honoring the former Union soldiers: SUVCW, Ladfies of the Grand Army of the Republic. Women's Relief Corps, Auxilliary to the SUVCW, and Daughters of Union Veterans of the Civil War.

Membership qualifications are minimum age 14, and relative had to have served between April 12, 1961 and April 9, 1865 and had to have died in service or been honorably discharged.


The state had about 2000 veterans and artound 19,000 Union vetserans are buried in the state according to the National SUVCW Graves Registration Project. Members have walked 250 of nebraska's 950 cemeteries and put sites on GPS. They also determine the condition of the graves.

More than half of the 60 Nebraska SUVCW members are re-enactors as well, which makes ceremonies easier.

Keeping the Memory Alive. --B-R'er