In SARASOTA, FLORIDA, David Azeff, 18, and a friend were waving a Confederate flag from a pickup truck down main street. They parked and walked with it, shouting racial taunts, and a confrontation occurred with a black teenager who shot David.
There is a fear that there might be problems at Sarasota High School.
Waving the Confederate flag at blacks and especially racial taunting is never acceptable. It is actions like these that so solidify blacks against the flag. And, on that point, I agree with them. Flying the flag or having decals of it, or on a hat or tee shirt in reverance of the soldiers who fought for it is acceptable. People who don't like it should just look away or ignore it.
However, shooting the offender isn't acceptable either and takes the race issue to a whole new level.
Azeff and Friend's Actions Embarrass Me and Dishonor the Flag. --Old B-Runner