The Battle of Fort Fisher, N.C.

Saturday, February 8, 2014

150 Years Ago: The Battle of Smithfield, Virginia-- Part 2

Continued from Feb. 3rd.

Both columns were successful early on, but the Smithfield group retreated to town and set up defensive positions in the main street and after a brisk fight, by the end of Feb. 1st, more than 100 were captured.

The battered wreck of the Army gunboat Smith Briggs was left burning on the Pagan River and exploded, breaking the glass in windows all over town.

Smithfild doctor Herbert S. Southgate's grandfather took the ship's gilded eagle figurehead as a trophy.

The sesquecentennial observance of the battle took place Feb. 1st from 10 to 4 at the Isle of Wight Museum.

--Old Secesh

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