The Battle of Fort Fisher, N.C.

Monday, November 3, 2014

Simon L. Sommers-- Part 2: Early Life and Confederate Service

In 1844, Simon Sommers became a school teacher and taught in Charles County, Md., and Montgomery County, Ala., until 1847 when he returned to Alexandria County.  He remained there until 1855 serving as a county surveyor.

In 1855, he became an agent and attorney for W.W. Corcoran of Washington, D.C., and came west to look after his employer's vast land interests.  He continued in this capacity until December 1859 when he returned to Virginia.

He strongly espoused the Southern cause in the tense years leading up to the Civil War.  In the spring of 1861, he raised a company of soldiers and was elected captain.  But, before they could be mustered into service, the company was captured at their homes by Union troops.

The company was disbanded.  At the time of the capture, Simon was at Fairfax Court House and was not captured.

More to Come.  --Old Secesh

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