The Battle of Fort Fisher, N.C.

Friday, January 9, 2015

Civil War Springfield, Mass.-- Part 2: October Crime Reports

The increased population led to increased crime and there had been a recent rash of burglaries and arson fires.

The Republican newspaper gave stats for police court for the year ending September 30th:

There had been 797 cases.  A breakdown of these cases was included: drunkenness 346, assault and battery 156, larceny 122, disturbing the peace 44, fornication 17, search warrants 14, houses of ill repute 11, violation of Sunday laws 10, malicious conduct 9, evading railroad fares 8, unlawful driving of the horse of another 5 and other things like lewd persons, glass breaking and cruelty to animals.

So, Not Everyone Was an Abider.  --Old Secesh

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