The Battle of Fort Fisher, N.C.

Thursday, July 6, 2017

Confederate Statues Unmoved in Richmond, Va.-- Part 1: But With New Signage

From the June 28, 2017, Chicago Tribune by Laura Vozzella.

"The young, African-American mayor of the one-time capital of the Confederacy has vowed to confront his city's towering tributes to Southern Civil War figures with words instead of wrecking balls.

"Mayor Levar Stoney said he would not seek to remove the monuments lining the city's most famous boulevard.  Instead, he announced the formation of a commission to find other ways -- new signage and perhaps additional monuments -- to correct the 'false narrative' conveyed by the statues that give Monument Avenue its name."

Again, this person hates the Confederacy, but is willing to allow the statues to stand, but with new signage.  Even though I am sure the new wording will not be favorable for us, but I can live with this compromise.

I have a hard time accepting the desecration of cities where they took down the statues.

--Old Secesh

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