The Battle of Fort Fisher, N.C.

Friday, July 14, 2017

Is There Room in Arlington National Cemetery and In Our Memories for Confederate Soldiers?-- Part 2

Continued from July 11, 2017.

"But today, revisionists are moving to eliminate prominent reminders of the war, arguing there is nothing noble worth remembering about the battlefield sacrifices of Southern soldiers, most of whom weren't slaveowners and fought mainly with the passionate belief they were defending their homes.

"Perhaps then, those Southerners buried in the sacred grounds of Arlington should be disinterred, their memories removed.  Would that finally heal the wounds of slavery?  or would it be better to continue to acknowledge that history is unchangeable and we need constant reminders that millions of Americans had to die on both sides to begin the drawn-out process of keeping the promise of our finders."

And, sure to infuriate our Confederate-haters club, they also have a monument in Arlington National Cemetery.  This seems to be something they hate more than a simple Confederate gravestone.

This was by Dan K. Thomasson.

I like this person's thoughts on the subject.  True.

--Old Secesh

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