The Battle of Fort Fisher, N.C.

Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Battle of Shepherdstown (Civil War) and Battle of Princeton (American Revolution)

I must admit that I was entirely unaware of this Battle before I wrote about it in this blog.  On the scale of the Battles of Antietam and Gettysburg, it was not a huge battle, but important in the Maryland Campaign.

The two commanders were Fitz John Porter for the Union and  William N. Pendleton on the Confederate side.

Casualties for the North were 366 (73 killed, 163 wounded and 132 captured or missing).  For the Confederacy 307 (36 killed,  267 wounded and 6 missing or captured).

From what I've read, this was not William Pendleton's proudest moment.

Of course, learning new stuff is a big reason I started this blog.



This was a key battle during the American Revolution and, like with the case of the Battle of Shepherdstown, one that I was unaware of.  It was a follow up to George Washington's much more famous crossing of the Delaware River and surprising the British at Trenton the day after Christmas, December 26, 1776.  The Battle of Princeton took place January 3, 1777.

I have been writing about this one in my Cooter's History Thing blog.

Like I Said, I Do These Blogs to Learn Stuff.  --Old Secesh

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