The Battle of Fort Fisher, N.C.

Thursday, June 23, 2016

The Confederacy Under Attack-- Part 283: Battle Over Confederate Flag Rages On

"_____ ___, charged in the attack om Charleston on June 17, 2015, had posted images posing with the flag ahead of the incident.  (I do not use the name of mass murderers.)

"The 'Take It Down America' event was arranged in support of attorney Carlos Moore's federal lawsuit against the state of Mississippi and its governor, Phil Bryant.  Moore argues that the state flag incites racial violence and infringes upon the 14th Amendment's protection for black residents.

"He believes the federal government should remove the flag based on its ability to strike down 'badges and incidents of slavery' under the 13th Amendment."

But. Mr. Moore, ____ ___ killed nine people.  Do you know how many blacks were killed in Chicago this past weekend?  And, how about since the beginning of June or 2016?  I've heard lyrics of rap songs calling for killing.  Perhaps rap is even more dangerous to blacks than Confederate Flags.  Maybe you should be trying to also get rid of rap as a danger to blacks.

And, after all, not one of those Chicago blacks was killed by a Confederate Flag.

--Old Secesh

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