"On board the USS Minnesota in action during the assault on Fort Fisher, 15 January 1865. Landing on the beach with the assaulting party from his ship, Wilcox advanced to the top of the sandhill and partly through a breach in the palisades despite enemy fire which killed and wounded many officers and men. When more than two-thirds of the men became seized with panic and retreated on the run, he remained with the party until dark when it came safely away, bringing its wounded, its arms and its colors."
I imagine that being a soldier, he was more used to this sort of fighting. However, I wonder why they would have waited until dark to withdraw, as the Confederates had been driven away from the northeast salient by that time.
I Wonder. --Da Old B-R'er.
This blog grew out of my "Down Da Road I Go Blog," which was originally to be about stuff I was interested in, music and what I was doing. There was so much history and Civil War entries, I spun two more off. Starting Jan. 1, 2012, I will be spinning a Naval blog off this one called "Running the Blockade."

The Battle of Fort Fisher, N.C.
Monday, March 24, 2008
Fort Fisher Medal of Honor Winner-- Frank L. Wilcox
Frank L. Wilcox (Nov, 1830-Nov. 16, 1898)
From list of USS Minnesota crew on Jan. 1, 1865.
In it, he is listed as an ordinary seaman, enlisted April 28, 1864 at Hampton Roads for a 2 years 5 months term of enlistment at age 33. He came over from the Army. His civilian occupation was bookmaker and had hazel eyes, brown hair, and fair complexion. He originally served as a private in Co. C, 48th New York.
Looking at the list, I saw that several other Minnesota sailors had transferred from the 48th New York Infantry. It sure would be interesting to know what caused this transfer.
He won a Medal of Honor at Fort Fisher and there is a picture of his grave.
From Faded Footsteps www.FadedFootsteps.com
also www.tfoenander.com/minnesota.htm
From list of USS Minnesota crew on Jan. 1, 1865.
In it, he is listed as an ordinary seaman, enlisted April 28, 1864 at Hampton Roads for a 2 years 5 months term of enlistment at age 33. He came over from the Army. His civilian occupation was bookmaker and had hazel eyes, brown hair, and fair complexion. He originally served as a private in Co. C, 48th New York.
Looking at the list, I saw that several other Minnesota sailors had transferred from the 48th New York Infantry. It sure would be interesting to know what caused this transfer.
He won a Medal of Honor at Fort Fisher and there is a picture of his grave.
From Faded Footsteps www.FadedFootsteps.com
also www.tfoenander.com/minnesota.htm
Some New Books-- The Civil War on Pensacola Bay-- The Union Blockade of Texas-- American Civil War Fortifications-- Elizabeth City, NC
I am especially interested in any books dealing with the naval aspects of the war or North Carolina.
1. "The Civil War on Pensacola Bay, 1861-1862" by John K. Driscoll
Pensacola Bay has a magnificent harbor, valuable Navy Yard, and impressive fortifications. Yet, its lack of navigable rivers and limited rail access kept it from developing into a major commercial center.
The book focuses on the town of Pensacola and the small villages of Warrington and Woolsey.
2. "Waters of Discord: The Union Blockade of Texas During the Civil War" by Rodman L. Underwood.
Called the "Dark Corner of the Confederacy" There was a lot of fighting along the coast. Cotton was shipped out of Mexico to avoid the blockade. This book is also an analysis of the effectiveness of the blockade.
3. "American Civil War Fortifications: Mississippi River Forts" Vol 3 by Adam Hook.
Explores fortifications of the river valley, focusing on Vicksburg, Port Hudson, New Orleans, New Madrid, and Forts Henry and Donelson.
4. "Elizabeth City, NC and the Civil War" A History of Battle and Occupation" by Alex Christopher Mackins.
These books are reviewed and announced in the Civil War Book News blog by Dimitri Rotov. He has been doing it since 1997 an offers as complete a list of new Civil War books as possible.
If you want to know what's new in Civil War research, this is the place to go.
Great Job Mr. Rotov!! --Tye Old B-Runner
1. "The Civil War on Pensacola Bay, 1861-1862" by John K. Driscoll
Pensacola Bay has a magnificent harbor, valuable Navy Yard, and impressive fortifications. Yet, its lack of navigable rivers and limited rail access kept it from developing into a major commercial center.
The book focuses on the town of Pensacola and the small villages of Warrington and Woolsey.
2. "Waters of Discord: The Union Blockade of Texas During the Civil War" by Rodman L. Underwood.
Called the "Dark Corner of the Confederacy" There was a lot of fighting along the coast. Cotton was shipped out of Mexico to avoid the blockade. This book is also an analysis of the effectiveness of the blockade.
3. "American Civil War Fortifications: Mississippi River Forts" Vol 3 by Adam Hook.
Explores fortifications of the river valley, focusing on Vicksburg, Port Hudson, New Orleans, New Madrid, and Forts Henry and Donelson.
4. "Elizabeth City, NC and the Civil War" A History of Battle and Occupation" by Alex Christopher Mackins.
These books are reviewed and announced in the Civil War Book News blog by Dimitri Rotov. He has been doing it since 1997 an offers as complete a list of new Civil War books as possible.
If you want to know what's new in Civil War research, this is the place to go.
Great Job Mr. Rotov!! --Tye Old B-Runner
Sunday, March 23, 2008
New Book on Camp Douglas
For many years, not much was said about the infamous Union prison camp in Chicago with most attention always given to Andersonville in Georgia.
Now, a new book has been published about the infamous Douglas, located about three miles from Chicago's Loop.
"Camp Douglas: Chicago's Civil War Prison" by Kelly Pucci seeks to address the lack of information. Starving prisoners caught stealing from the camp garbage dump were tortured and shot.
Fearing a prisoner revolt, the camp's commander declared martial law in the city of Chicago. Camp Douglas closed down at the end of the war and its buildings demolished. Records were either lost or destroyed and the exact number of dead is unknown, but estimated at least 6000 who are buried in a southside cemetery by an impressive Confederate monument.
The History Channel had a special on it and there is a Sons of Confederate Veterans Camp named after it.
Dimitri Rotov editor of the Civil War Book News Blog at http://acwbn.blogspot.com
Now, a new book has been published about the infamous Douglas, located about three miles from Chicago's Loop.
"Camp Douglas: Chicago's Civil War Prison" by Kelly Pucci seeks to address the lack of information. Starving prisoners caught stealing from the camp garbage dump were tortured and shot.
Fearing a prisoner revolt, the camp's commander declared martial law in the city of Chicago. Camp Douglas closed down at the end of the war and its buildings demolished. Records were either lost or destroyed and the exact number of dead is unknown, but estimated at least 6000 who are buried in a southside cemetery by an impressive Confederate monument.
The History Channel had a special on it and there is a Sons of Confederate Veterans Camp named after it.
Dimitri Rotov editor of the Civil War Book News Blog at http://acwbn.blogspot.com
Bodie Island Lighthouse, NC
On the Outer Banks. The current one was built in 1872 to replace the one blown up by Confederates in 1861 to prevent capture by Union forces.
The new one is 95% completely restored, but work has stopped because of lack of funding. The Outer Banks Lighthouse Society www.outer-banks.com/lighthouse-society is a non-profit organization involved in this work.
The first lighthouse was built in 1947 and had a 54 foot tower. Faults began to show and within two years it began to lean. Numerous repairs were made but it couldn't be fixed and was abandoned in 1859.
The second one was 80 feet tall
Construction on the current one began in 1871. A First Order Fresnel Lens was installed and is still in place. A lighthouse keeper lived in a home on the grounds and kept the light burning until 1932 when the beacon was electrified by the Coast Guard.
All property except the tower was transferred to the National Park Service and the keeper's home is now the ranger office and visitor center. In 2000, the tower was also transferred to the NPS and it is still a functioning US Coast Guard navigational aid.
As They Said, We'll Leave the Light On. --Old Blockade-R'er
The new one is 95% completely restored, but work has stopped because of lack of funding. The Outer Banks Lighthouse Society www.outer-banks.com/lighthouse-society is a non-profit organization involved in this work.
The first lighthouse was built in 1947 and had a 54 foot tower. Faults began to show and within two years it began to lean. Numerous repairs were made but it couldn't be fixed and was abandoned in 1859.
The second one was 80 feet tall
Construction on the current one began in 1871. A First Order Fresnel Lens was installed and is still in place. A lighthouse keeper lived in a home on the grounds and kept the light burning until 1932 when the beacon was electrified by the Coast Guard.
All property except the tower was transferred to the National Park Service and the keeper's home is now the ranger office and visitor center. In 2000, the tower was also transferred to the NPS and it is still a functioning US Coast Guard navigational aid.
As They Said, We'll Leave the Light On. --Old Blockade-R'er
Tales of the Big Sand Fort-- Foxes All Over the Place-- Before and After-- New Book
Some stuff about that big sand fort called Fort Fisher.
1. Here a fox, there a fox, everywhere a fox-- Wilmington's WECT 6 TV reports that Fort Fisher is overrun with foxes. They have devoured about half of the eggs of the endangered sea turtles and have a penchant for getting into trash cans and making a mess. March 21st
2. Photos of before and after artifacts recovered at Fort Fisher-- Photographer Matt Bell has a group of before and after shots of artifacts from Fort Fisher that have been cleaned and restored by the NC Office of State Archeology (that's right, no a before the first o). Several of the items are Civil War era. http://mattbellphoto.blogspot.com March 21
3. New book on Fort Fisher, well, to me anyway-- Roberto C. Delgadillo reported in his blog that he is reading "The Last Stronghold: The Campaign for Fort Fisher" by Richard B. McCaslin. OK, it is a 2003 copyright, but I was unaware of it.
Tales of the Big Sand Fort. -- Old B-Runner
1. Here a fox, there a fox, everywhere a fox-- Wilmington's WECT 6 TV reports that Fort Fisher is overrun with foxes. They have devoured about half of the eggs of the endangered sea turtles and have a penchant for getting into trash cans and making a mess. March 21st
2. Photos of before and after artifacts recovered at Fort Fisher-- Photographer Matt Bell has a group of before and after shots of artifacts from Fort Fisher that have been cleaned and restored by the NC Office of State Archeology (that's right, no a before the first o). Several of the items are Civil War era. http://mattbellphoto.blogspot.com March 21
3. New book on Fort Fisher, well, to me anyway-- Roberto C. Delgadillo reported in his blog that he is reading "The Last Stronghold: The Campaign for Fort Fisher" by Richard B. McCaslin. OK, it is a 2003 copyright, but I was unaware of it.
Tales of the Big Sand Fort. -- Old B-Runner
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Confederate Diary Going Home
The March 22nd Clark County, Washington, Columbian ran an article "Civil War soldier's diary going home" by Dean Baker.
While going through some things in a late aunt's effects in Downey, Ca., Mitch Hammontree found a leather-bound book and found that it was the diary of a Confederate soldier.
After a lot of research over both the internet and telephone, the descendants of the soldier, A. S. Quarterman, and will hand it over to them next week.
Quarterman was a member of a prominent , Ga, family, and had kept an account of the famous Liberty Mounted Rangers during the war. He listed them and occasionally crossed names of and entered "dead" behind their names.
After tracing on the internet, Hammontree started making telephone calls to Quatermans in the Savannah area. He found Elton and Joan Quarterman, whose great-great-great grandfather Keith Axton Quarterman, a Condeferate Army surgeon, was A.S.'s brother.
At first, the Quartermans wanted to know how much Hammontree wanted for the diary, but he said he'd just give it to them because it was their family history.
Now This is a Great Story. --The Old B-Runner.
While going through some things in a late aunt's effects in Downey, Ca., Mitch Hammontree found a leather-bound book and found that it was the diary of a Confederate soldier.
After a lot of research over both the internet and telephone, the descendants of the soldier, A. S. Quarterman, and will hand it over to them next week.
Quarterman was a member of a prominent , Ga, family, and had kept an account of the famous Liberty Mounted Rangers during the war. He listed them and occasionally crossed names of and entered "dead" behind their names.
After tracing on the internet, Hammontree started making telephone calls to Quatermans in the Savannah area. He found Elton and Joan Quarterman, whose great-great-great grandfather Keith Axton Quarterman, a Condeferate Army surgeon, was A.S.'s brother.
At first, the Quartermans wanted to know how much Hammontree wanted for the diary, but he said he'd just give it to them because it was their family history.
Now This is a Great Story. --The Old B-Runner.
Running the Blockade-- Civil War Gun Stolen in Flint-- 6th Annual Re-enactment in Lake Villa, Illinois
Some news of the war.
1. Civil War revolver stolen in Flint, Michigan-- A Civil War era 1861 Navy Colt Revolver was reported stolen from the Stockton Center at the Spring Grove Museum during a March 11th book signing a few weeks ago.
It was on loan and had belonged to Union Army Col. Thomas B. W. Stockton. Valued at $3,500.
It will be hard to get ammunition for it as it must be specially cast and use black powder.
2. 6th annual re-enactment in Lake Villa, Illinois-- This is really getting to be a big deal. I attended it last year and was amazed at how many re-enactors and regular folk attended.
The 6th annual Civil War Re-enactment has been scheduled for September and will additionally feature a living history program directed at junior high kids. This is sponsored by the Lake Villa Historical Society and held at the historic Lehman Mansion (founder of the Fair Department stores). Every year, attendance increases.
Saturday's events are capped by a Civil War Ball in the mansion. Last year 160 attended, most in period dress.
Don't Shoot Me. --Old B-Runner
The event runs from 10 am to 3:30 pm Saturday and Sunday. THre is a $5 admission cost.
1. Civil War revolver stolen in Flint, Michigan-- A Civil War era 1861 Navy Colt Revolver was reported stolen from the Stockton Center at the Spring Grove Museum during a March 11th book signing a few weeks ago.
It was on loan and had belonged to Union Army Col. Thomas B. W. Stockton. Valued at $3,500.
It will be hard to get ammunition for it as it must be specially cast and use black powder.
2. 6th annual re-enactment in Lake Villa, Illinois-- This is really getting to be a big deal. I attended it last year and was amazed at how many re-enactors and regular folk attended.
The 6th annual Civil War Re-enactment has been scheduled for September and will additionally feature a living history program directed at junior high kids. This is sponsored by the Lake Villa Historical Society and held at the historic Lehman Mansion (founder of the Fair Department stores). Every year, attendance increases.
Saturday's events are capped by a Civil War Ball in the mansion. Last year 160 attended, most in period dress.
Don't Shoot Me. --Old B-Runner
The event runs from 10 am to 3:30 pm Saturday and Sunday. THre is a $5 admission cost.
General Adebert Ames, USA
From the March 19th Green Integer Blog which was doing a review of the book "Redemption: The Last Battle of the Civil War" by Nicholas Lemann. This was mostly about Reconstruction and was based a lot on the letters between Adebert Ames and his wife Blanche.
US Grant appointed Ames the provisional governor of Mississippi, but his wife hated the place and refused to go, staying at her family's home in Massachusetts.
Adebert Ames was a commander at Fort Fisher of my personal interest and Blanche was the daughter of Benjamin Butler who led the army in the first attempt to take the fort,
Lehmann described Ames as "...handsome, high-browed, large pupil-eyes...replete with Custer-style beard and mustache, was a Civil War hero who captured Fort Fisher, at the mouth of Cape Fear, North Carolina, during the war."
Alfred Terry actually led the forces in the second battle which led to the fort's capture.
Great Description. --Old B-R'er
US Grant appointed Ames the provisional governor of Mississippi, but his wife hated the place and refused to go, staying at her family's home in Massachusetts.
Adebert Ames was a commander at Fort Fisher of my personal interest and Blanche was the daughter of Benjamin Butler who led the army in the first attempt to take the fort,
Lehmann described Ames as "...handsome, high-browed, large pupil-eyes...replete with Custer-style beard and mustache, was a Civil War hero who captured Fort Fisher, at the mouth of Cape Fear, North Carolina, during the war."
Alfred Terry actually led the forces in the second battle which led to the fort's capture.
Great Description. --Old B-R'er
Friday, March 21, 2008
Some More on USS Michigan
Frpm wikipedia.
The USS Michigan's name was changed to USS Wolverine in 1905 so that the battleship USS Michigan could be commissioned.
James Jesse Strang led a dissident group of Mormons on Beaver Island.
Before the Civil War, the Michigan only carried only one cannon because of an agreement with Canada. During the war, she was armed with 13 more cannons.
For the century anniversary of the Battle of Lake Erie, the Wolverine towed the original USS Niagara to various ports in the celebration.
In 1927, the Wolverine was pushed onto a sandbank in Presque Isle Bay and loaned to the city of Erie as a relic. It was sold to the Foundation for the Preservation of the Original Michigan, Inc, in 1948, but fund raising efforts failed and it was cut up for scrap in 1949.
In 1950, her prow was placed as a monument in Wolverine Park near where she was built. In 1980, it was restored and moved to the Erie Maritime Museum where it can still be seen.
An Interesting History and Too Bad Something That Survived That Long Could Not Have Been Saved. --Old Blockade-R.
The USS Michigan's name was changed to USS Wolverine in 1905 so that the battleship USS Michigan could be commissioned.
James Jesse Strang led a dissident group of Mormons on Beaver Island.
Before the Civil War, the Michigan only carried only one cannon because of an agreement with Canada. During the war, she was armed with 13 more cannons.
For the century anniversary of the Battle of Lake Erie, the Wolverine towed the original USS Niagara to various ports in the celebration.
In 1927, the Wolverine was pushed onto a sandbank in Presque Isle Bay and loaned to the city of Erie as a relic. It was sold to the Foundation for the Preservation of the Original Michigan, Inc, in 1948, but fund raising efforts failed and it was cut up for scrap in 1949.
In 1950, her prow was placed as a monument in Wolverine Park near where she was built. In 1980, it was restored and moved to the Erie Maritime Museum where it can still be seen.
An Interesting History and Too Bad Something That Survived That Long Could Not Have Been Saved. --Old Blockade-R.
USS Michigan-- First US Ironclad Ship
From the Archives of Michigan. The Primary Re:source Reference Blog.
The USS Michigan was the first ironclad ship in the US Navy and operated on the Great Lakes for her entire career. Parts of the ship were built in Pittsburgh and sections transported to Lake Erie by ox teams and riverboat.
It got involved in the Strang affair when it carried Jesse Strang to Detroit for trial in 1851.
The ship also foiled a Confederate plot to liberate the prisoners at Johnson Island in Sanduskey Bay.
After the Civil War, it was used as a training ship and saw service in WWI. Her last cruise was in 1927 and even FDR wanted her saved, but the ship was scrapped in 1949.
The mainmast is in the Historical Society of Fairport, Ohio.
Really Too Bad That a Ship THAT Old Would be Summarily Scrapped. This would have made an excellent museum. --Old B-Runner
The USS Michigan was the first ironclad ship in the US Navy and operated on the Great Lakes for her entire career. Parts of the ship were built in Pittsburgh and sections transported to Lake Erie by ox teams and riverboat.
It got involved in the Strang affair when it carried Jesse Strang to Detroit for trial in 1851.
The ship also foiled a Confederate plot to liberate the prisoners at Johnson Island in Sanduskey Bay.
After the Civil War, it was used as a training ship and saw service in WWI. Her last cruise was in 1927 and even FDR wanted her saved, but the ship was scrapped in 1949.
The mainmast is in the Historical Society of Fairport, Ohio.
Really Too Bad That a Ship THAT Old Would be Summarily Scrapped. This would have made an excellent museum. --Old B-Runner
Confederate Flaf Banned from Maryland High School
WTOP News 103.5 FM March 11th.
The principal of Fort Hill High School in Cumberland, Md. has banned Confederate flags from cars and clothing on campus after an outbreak of racial hostility and suspension of two students.
Blacks make up 10 % of the 1000 students. Tensions started ten days ago.
It is Too Bad that Things Like This Happen and Continue to Happen. --B-Runner
The principal of Fort Hill High School in Cumberland, Md. has banned Confederate flags from cars and clothing on campus after an outbreak of racial hostility and suspension of two students.
Blacks make up 10 % of the 1000 students. Tensions started ten days ago.
It is Too Bad that Things Like This Happen and Continue to Happen. --B-Runner
Civil War Cannon to Fire in Alabama, Well, Replica Actually
From March 15th Baldwin CountyNow "Cannon replica to fire to mark opening of Grand Hotel Marriott Resort, Golf Club and Spa" by Curt Chapman. The hotel is located near Fairhope, Alabama and overlooks Mobile Bay. Unfortunately, this would not be a place I could afford to stay. A one night special which includes the Bellingrath Garden starts at $253. More than I'd be willing to pay. Found a $179 deal.
A replica of an 1862 Tredegar Ironworks bronze cannon will be fired at the grand opening of the new resort and 365 days a year. It was commissioned four months ago by Dr. David Bronner, CEO of the resort. Tredegar Ironworks was the Confederacy's premier arms maker.
It will be the featured attraction of a new cannon park and, if firing live ammunition, could throw a 6 pound projectile 1,523 yards with a 1.25 black powder charge.
The Civil War
The original structure of the Grand Hotel was built in 1847 and was used as a base hospital during the Civil War when it was garrisoned by the 21st Alabama.
More than 300 Confederate soldiers died there and are buried in a mass grave shoulder-to-shoulder at Confederate Rest, a cemetery on the hotel grounds. Burial records were kept at the hotel until destroyed in a fire in 1869.
World War II
During WWII it was part of Operation Ivory Soap. The Army Air Corps was given permission to use the hotel as a Maritime Training School. No soldiers wore combat boots in the hotel to protect the beautiful hardwood floors.
Officers and enlisted men lived in the hotel Navy-style. Floors were referred to as decks and bathrooms as heads.
Around 5,000 men went to war from here and took part in various Pacific landings.
Now, Operation Ivory Soap is an interesting name. I guess because it floats and doesn't sink.
A Hotel with Quite a History and an Appreciation of Its Heritage. --B-Runner
A replica of an 1862 Tredegar Ironworks bronze cannon will be fired at the grand opening of the new resort and 365 days a year. It was commissioned four months ago by Dr. David Bronner, CEO of the resort. Tredegar Ironworks was the Confederacy's premier arms maker.
It will be the featured attraction of a new cannon park and, if firing live ammunition, could throw a 6 pound projectile 1,523 yards with a 1.25 black powder charge.
The Civil War
The original structure of the Grand Hotel was built in 1847 and was used as a base hospital during the Civil War when it was garrisoned by the 21st Alabama.
More than 300 Confederate soldiers died there and are buried in a mass grave shoulder-to-shoulder at Confederate Rest, a cemetery on the hotel grounds. Burial records were kept at the hotel until destroyed in a fire in 1869.
World War II
During WWII it was part of Operation Ivory Soap. The Army Air Corps was given permission to use the hotel as a Maritime Training School. No soldiers wore combat boots in the hotel to protect the beautiful hardwood floors.
Officers and enlisted men lived in the hotel Navy-style. Floors were referred to as decks and bathrooms as heads.
Around 5,000 men went to war from here and took part in various Pacific landings.
Now, Operation Ivory Soap is an interesting name. I guess because it floats and doesn't sink.
A Hotel with Quite a History and an Appreciation of Its Heritage. --B-Runner
Lincoln's Paper Trail
The Feb. 11th LA Times "Abraham Lincoln's paper trail" by P.J. Huffstutter.
A team of historians has been scouring the nation looking for any and everything 16th President Lincoln put pen to during his entire life.
John A Lupton and Ericka Nunamaker have recently returned from a 6 day, five state, 1,400 mile odyssey and tracked down 33 documents.
Over the last 7 years researchers have found more than 1000 documents written by him and nearly 28,000 written to him.
When a document is located, it is scanned and the originals returned to the owners.
Luptak believes there are tens of thousands more. There are also ten others looking from the Illinois-based Papers of Abraham Lincoln. You can go to their website at: www.papersofabrahamlincoln.org.
This is a joint project by the Illinois Preservation Agency and the Abraham Lincoln Library and Museum.
Lupton is considered a leading expert at Lincoln's writing. He can even tell you if the president was in a thoughtful mood if the writing has neat, careful strokes, or tired if they were jagged lines. He has located hundreds of hastily-signed military commissions that he has determined were used by Lincoln as busy-work to help him stay awake at night while caring for his ailing son..
The papers project began in the 1980s and Lupton joined the team in 1991. Once, he found mention of bankers accused of bilking shareholders. Lupton found that the case was moved to southern Illinois. He went to the Macoupin County records office and sifted through thousands of documents until he struck paydirt. There was a 43 page legal argument written in Lincoln's on hand, the largest known document by Lincoln.
Of course, now that we are approaching the 200th anniversary of Lincoln's birth, this will come even more to the forefront.
Talk About a Great Job. I Sure Would Like to Get in on This. --Da Old B-R'er
A team of historians has been scouring the nation looking for any and everything 16th President Lincoln put pen to during his entire life.
John A Lupton and Ericka Nunamaker have recently returned from a 6 day, five state, 1,400 mile odyssey and tracked down 33 documents.
Over the last 7 years researchers have found more than 1000 documents written by him and nearly 28,000 written to him.
When a document is located, it is scanned and the originals returned to the owners.
Luptak believes there are tens of thousands more. There are also ten others looking from the Illinois-based Papers of Abraham Lincoln. You can go to their website at: www.papersofabrahamlincoln.org.
This is a joint project by the Illinois Preservation Agency and the Abraham Lincoln Library and Museum.
Lupton is considered a leading expert at Lincoln's writing. He can even tell you if the president was in a thoughtful mood if the writing has neat, careful strokes, or tired if they were jagged lines. He has located hundreds of hastily-signed military commissions that he has determined were used by Lincoln as busy-work to help him stay awake at night while caring for his ailing son..
The papers project began in the 1980s and Lupton joined the team in 1991. Once, he found mention of bankers accused of bilking shareholders. Lupton found that the case was moved to southern Illinois. He went to the Macoupin County records office and sifted through thousands of documents until he struck paydirt. There was a 43 page legal argument written in Lincoln's on hand, the largest known document by Lincoln.
Of course, now that we are approaching the 200th anniversary of Lincoln's birth, this will come even more to the forefront.
Talk About a Great Job. I Sure Would Like to Get in on This. --Da Old B-R'er
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Running the Blockade-- Civil War Weekend-- Louisiana in the Civil War-- SUVCW Meeting-- Sauk City Update-- Another Civil War Weekend
Running the Blockade--Some news of the War from Around the Country.
1. Civil War Weekend in Kentucky-- March 28-30 there will be a Civil War Weekend in Henderson, Kentucky's Audubon Mill Park. It is hosted by Cobb's Battery and the Adam Rankin Johnson SCV Camp 1910.
2. Louisiana in the Civil War-- The Union Parish Library of Bernice, Louisiana, and the Bernice Historical Society are co-sponsoring a six-week series of readings and discussions of the Civil War in Louisiana. Meetings will be Tuesdays from 6 to 8.
3. Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War-- The David Moore Camp 70 will be holding their March meeting at the home of its commander. Sorry, forgot to write down what city, but I think it was in Missouri.
4. Sauk City, Wi, Update-- The Civil War Memorial planned for the city cleared another hurdle when the city's Historical Preservation Committee approved the design. Next, the Sauk City Plan Commission has to ok it. I reported on this earlier.
5. Another Civil War Weekend-- The 11th annual Civil War Weekend will take place at Valley Park in Hurricane, SC. More than 250 re-enactors are expected.
Who Says It's an OLD War? --Old B-Runner
1. Civil War Weekend in Kentucky-- March 28-30 there will be a Civil War Weekend in Henderson, Kentucky's Audubon Mill Park. It is hosted by Cobb's Battery and the Adam Rankin Johnson SCV Camp 1910.
2. Louisiana in the Civil War-- The Union Parish Library of Bernice, Louisiana, and the Bernice Historical Society are co-sponsoring a six-week series of readings and discussions of the Civil War in Louisiana. Meetings will be Tuesdays from 6 to 8.
3. Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War-- The David Moore Camp 70 will be holding their March meeting at the home of its commander. Sorry, forgot to write down what city, but I think it was in Missouri.
4. Sauk City, Wi, Update-- The Civil War Memorial planned for the city cleared another hurdle when the city's Historical Preservation Committee approved the design. Next, the Sauk City Plan Commission has to ok it. I reported on this earlier.
5. Another Civil War Weekend-- The 11th annual Civil War Weekend will take place at Valley Park in Hurricane, SC. More than 250 re-enactors are expected.
Who Says It's an OLD War? --Old B-Runner
Tampa Sued for Non-Payment of Civil War Debt
The March 19th Tampa Tribune ran an article of interest saying that the city was being sued for an 1861 promissory note it wrote to the Kennedy and Darling Store for $299,58. At an 8% interest rate, that note now comes to more than $22 million!!!!
This would have been a debt incurred by the Confederate government of the city.
A descendant, Joan Kennedy Biddle, of the 19th century Tampa business, the biggest at the time in South Florida and in the town of 850, has retained a lawyer and plans on taking it to court. It was for implements and ammunition to defend the city.
The city does not feel obligated to pay it, however. According to the 14th Amendment, which came about because of the Civil War, any debt incurred because of an insurrection is eliminated.
There were quite a few comments and well worth reading. A couple of interest were as follows:
drdneast said, "Well if the city can find $22 million in CONFEDERATE currency, I suggest they pay her. File this under 'bad bet' and move on. By the way counselor, the south lost."
shinker said, "WHAT, THE SOUTH DIDN'T WIN? We suck!"
Good Money if You Can Get It!! --Old B-R'er
This would have been a debt incurred by the Confederate government of the city.
A descendant, Joan Kennedy Biddle, of the 19th century Tampa business, the biggest at the time in South Florida and in the town of 850, has retained a lawyer and plans on taking it to court. It was for implements and ammunition to defend the city.
The city does not feel obligated to pay it, however. According to the 14th Amendment, which came about because of the Civil War, any debt incurred because of an insurrection is eliminated.
There were quite a few comments and well worth reading. A couple of interest were as follows:
drdneast said, "Well if the city can find $22 million in CONFEDERATE currency, I suggest they pay her. File this under 'bad bet' and move on. By the way counselor, the south lost."
shinker said, "WHAT, THE SOUTH DIDN'T WIN? We suck!"
Good Money if You Can Get It!! --Old B-R'er
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
HMdb-- USS Constellation and Bentonville
The good folks at the Historical Marker data Base have been increasing their storehouse of knowledge.
Recently, they did one for the USS Constellation, which was the flagship of the US African Squadron which was to stop the slave trade. The marker and the USS Constellation are in Baltimore, Md.
They also visited the Bentonville Battlefield in North Carolina and photographed the marker showing where Confederate lines crossed the Goldsboro Road. These Confederates in Hoke's division consisted of his regulars from the Army of Northern Virginia, Red Infantry (artillerymen from Fort Fisher and other coastal forts -artillery piping on uniforms was red), and three regiments of teenage boys.
This was erected in 2005 by the North Carolina Civil War Trails organization, a group that is doing a lot to increase the knowledge of the war in the state.
Of interest, every HMdb entry also includes nearby markers.
Keep up the Great Work. --Old Blockade-Runner
Recently, they did one for the USS Constellation, which was the flagship of the US African Squadron which was to stop the slave trade. The marker and the USS Constellation are in Baltimore, Md.
They also visited the Bentonville Battlefield in North Carolina and photographed the marker showing where Confederate lines crossed the Goldsboro Road. These Confederates in Hoke's division consisted of his regulars from the Army of Northern Virginia, Red Infantry (artillerymen from Fort Fisher and other coastal forts -artillery piping on uniforms was red), and three regiments of teenage boys.
This was erected in 2005 by the North Carolina Civil War Trails organization, a group that is doing a lot to increase the knowledge of the war in the state.
Of interest, every HMdb entry also includes nearby markers.
Keep up the Great Work. --Old Blockade-Runner
Blogger Talking About the Fort Fisher Hermit
Tyler Miller wrote in his blog that he had moved back to Wilmington when he was ten and remembers his parents taking him down to Fort Fisher,
"One of the coolest places we would go to visit was the old Civil War battlefield at Fort Fisher." He then went on to talk about the trails and of meeting the Fort Fisher hermit and talked about him and his lifestyle. He included a video of Robert Harriman, the Fort Fisher hermit.
I met the Hermit several times as a young kid. Even today, I don't know whether he should have been pitied or if I should be jealous of his life.
An Interesting Character, Indeed. --The Old B-Runner
"One of the coolest places we would go to visit was the old Civil War battlefield at Fort Fisher." He then went on to talk about the trails and of meeting the Fort Fisher hermit and talked about him and his lifestyle. He included a video of Robert Harriman, the Fort Fisher hermit.
I met the Hermit several times as a young kid. Even today, I don't know whether he should have been pitied or if I should be jealous of his life.
An Interesting Character, Indeed. --The Old B-Runner
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
We'll Leave the Light On
The many lighthouses of Florida played a key role during the Civil War. In an article in the Triton-Megayacht News by Donna Mergenhagen, Neil E. Hurley, the historian of the Florida Lighthouse Association, talked about his book "Florida's Lighthouses During the Civil War."
At the start of the Civil War, there were 20 lighthouses and 1 lightship along the 1,197 miles of Florida coastline.
During the course of the war, lamp oil and lenses came into short supply for Confederates. Union forces took control of seven of the lighthouses early in the war. Dry Tortugas and Key West became Union bases.
The 14 other lighthouses became battle sites with some becoming extinguished.
It took until 1972 for all the lighthouses to get back into operation.
I Think I See a Light. --Old B-Runner
At the start of the Civil War, there were 20 lighthouses and 1 lightship along the 1,197 miles of Florida coastline.
During the course of the war, lamp oil and lenses came into short supply for Confederates. Union forces took control of seven of the lighthouses early in the war. Dry Tortugas and Key West became Union bases.
The 14 other lighthouses became battle sites with some becoming extinguished.
It took until 1972 for all the lighthouses to get back into operation.
I Think I See a Light. --Old B-Runner
CSS Chattahoochee
Dale Cox's Civil War Florida blog had a picture and account of the historic Gregory home on the Apalachicola River. Today, it is in the Torreya State Park.
During the Civil War, Confederate army and naval officers often visited the home. The CSS Chattahoochee passed by it several times and some of the wounded from the 1863 explosion were taken here.
The Chattahoochee was built at Saffold, Georgia in 1863 and was plagued by mechanical failures throughout her service. On May 27, 1863, there was a boiler that killed 18 and wounded many others. At the time, she was on her way to help retake the CSS Fashion which had been captured by Union forces.
When the Confederates abandoned the Apalachicola River in December 1864, the Chattahoochee moved to its namesake river and was scuttled near Columbus, Georgia when Union forces approached.
Her remains were found in 1863 and part of them can be seen at the National Civil War Naval Museum in Columbus. She carried an armament of six cannons.
The Old B-R'er
During the Civil War, Confederate army and naval officers often visited the home. The CSS Chattahoochee passed by it several times and some of the wounded from the 1863 explosion were taken here.
The Chattahoochee was built at Saffold, Georgia in 1863 and was plagued by mechanical failures throughout her service. On May 27, 1863, there was a boiler that killed 18 and wounded many others. At the time, she was on her way to help retake the CSS Fashion which had been captured by Union forces.
When the Confederates abandoned the Apalachicola River in December 1864, the Chattahoochee moved to its namesake river and was scuttled near Columbus, Georgia when Union forces approached.
Her remains were found in 1863 and part of them can be seen at the National Civil War Naval Museum in Columbus. She carried an armament of six cannons.
The Old B-R'er
Fort McAllister Chronology
Also from the March 14th Savannah Morning News.
1850-- Joseph L. McAllister inherits Genesis Point, where the fort was later built.
1861-- He allows construction of the fort to guard the entrance of the Ogeechee River and Savannah's southern defenses.
1862-- The Blockade-Runner Nashville makes its third voyage to the Ogeechee. The US Navy unsuccessfully tries to get upriver to sink it.
1863-- Monitors now augment the US Navy blockading force. The Nashville is now a privateer named the Rattlesnake. On February 27, the Rattlesnake makes an unsuccessful attempt to break out.
On February 28th, the USS Montauk, a monitor, sinks her. Several days later, three monitors attack Fort McAllister, but the sand walls withstand the pounding.
December 1864-- Sherman's army quickly overwhelms the fort's defenders. After the war, the fort is abandoned and largely forgotten.
1930s-- Henry Ford, who had a nearby house, gets interested in the fort and commences its reconstruction. The property eventually passes to the International Paper Company who turns it over to the State of Georgia.
1963-- Fort McAllister State Park opens.
See http://www.fortmcallister.org/ or www.civilwarfortifications.com/fortifications_FortMcAllister This one will say it's not available online, but you can click the mainpage and go to it.
April 5th, there will be a Park Volunteer Day for an annual cleanup of the fort property.
Hold Da Fort, Hold Da Fort. --Old Blockade-Runner
1850-- Joseph L. McAllister inherits Genesis Point, where the fort was later built.
1861-- He allows construction of the fort to guard the entrance of the Ogeechee River and Savannah's southern defenses.
1862-- The Blockade-Runner Nashville makes its third voyage to the Ogeechee. The US Navy unsuccessfully tries to get upriver to sink it.
1863-- Monitors now augment the US Navy blockading force. The Nashville is now a privateer named the Rattlesnake. On February 27, the Rattlesnake makes an unsuccessful attempt to break out.
On February 28th, the USS Montauk, a monitor, sinks her. Several days later, three monitors attack Fort McAllister, but the sand walls withstand the pounding.
December 1864-- Sherman's army quickly overwhelms the fort's defenders. After the war, the fort is abandoned and largely forgotten.
1930s-- Henry Ford, who had a nearby house, gets interested in the fort and commences its reconstruction. The property eventually passes to the International Paper Company who turns it over to the State of Georgia.
1963-- Fort McAllister State Park opens.
See http://www.fortmcallister.org/ or www.civilwarfortifications.com/fortifications_FortMcAllister This one will say it's not available online, but you can click the mainpage and go to it.
April 5th, there will be a Park Volunteer Day for an annual cleanup of the fort property.
Hold Da Fort, Hold Da Fort. --Old Blockade-Runner
Mass Grave at Bentonville, NC
The March 13th NBC 17 serving Raleigh-Durham-Chapel Hill reports on a mass grave found by the 1895 monument at the battlefield. There had been rumors of a mass grave, but no one knew where it was until an old photograph was recently discovered that was taken at the time of the dedication and researchers noticed what appeared to be gravestones in the background.
Using penetrating radar and shallow excavations, historians found 22 graves.
The 143rd anniversary of the Battle of Bentonville is fast approaching.
Using penetrating radar and shallow excavations, historians found 22 graves.
The 143rd anniversary of the Battle of Bentonville is fast approaching.
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Fort McAllister, Georgia
The March 14th Savannah, Ga., Morning News ran a great article on Fort McAllister which is becoming a much bigger tourist attraction thanks to the efforts of Park Manager Daniel Brown and his staff. They have won several Georgia awards for best programming and interpretive exhibits in 2007.
One program called "Bunk in a Bunker" enables young people to sleep out at the fort overnight to see what it was like to be a soldier.
They have also gotten living history re-enactments and are currently working on a CSS Nashville exhibit to show what a blockade-runner would carry in its runs, with cotton bales and cases of rifles. The Nashville/Rattlesnake was sunk off the fort in 1863. Divers have retrieved artifacts recently which will also be shown. Further excavation won't be attempted, however, because of cost.
The 1,725 acre site also now features 65 tent, trailer, and RV sites along with three cottages that can be rented.
Annual visitation has increased from 10,000 to 200,000.
My sister and her family live in Richmond Hill, Georgia, which is right by the fort.
My Hat's Off to Mr. Brown and His Staff for a Job Well Done. --The Old B-R'er
One program called "Bunk in a Bunker" enables young people to sleep out at the fort overnight to see what it was like to be a soldier.
They have also gotten living history re-enactments and are currently working on a CSS Nashville exhibit to show what a blockade-runner would carry in its runs, with cotton bales and cases of rifles. The Nashville/Rattlesnake was sunk off the fort in 1863. Divers have retrieved artifacts recently which will also be shown. Further excavation won't be attempted, however, because of cost.
The 1,725 acre site also now features 65 tent, trailer, and RV sites along with three cottages that can be rented.
Annual visitation has increased from 10,000 to 200,000.
My sister and her family live in Richmond Hill, Georgia, which is right by the fort.
My Hat's Off to Mr. Brown and His Staff for a Job Well Done. --The Old B-R'er
Friday, March 14, 2008
"Another Conflict at Antietam"
From the March 14th Baltimore Sun. By Matthew Hay Brown.
Back in September 1862 a big battle took place on the banks of Antietam Creek near Sharpsburg, Maryland. Today, another battle looms over these hallowed acres.
A 120 foot cell phone tower is being built outside park boundaries, but the top 30 feet will rise above the treeline. It will be disguised as a silo, but, even then....
Antietam is regarded as a prime battleground that has not suffered the encroachments of urbanization and commercialization like others.
The tower proposal has caused the Civil War Preservation Trust to list Antietam among its top ten most-endangered sites for 2008.
Sixty percent of the park's land has been added since 1990. Other significant changes to the landscape is the stone observation tower put up by the War Department in 1890 to assist in officer training, the various markers and memorials, and roads have been paved.
Interesting Comments
There were four comments when I looked earlier today.
corbs wrote: "come on this place is old and who cares anymore. stop gettin in the way of progress! pave over the whole thing if i can get better cell reception."
Bruce replied: "corbs you are a complete idiot. I'm willing to bet you're young and could care less about history." He then went on to tell why history is important.
Can't wait to see what else transpires tomorrow.
Read my Lips. No Cell Towers, Even if corbs Wants One. --Old B-Runner
Back in September 1862 a big battle took place on the banks of Antietam Creek near Sharpsburg, Maryland. Today, another battle looms over these hallowed acres.
A 120 foot cell phone tower is being built outside park boundaries, but the top 30 feet will rise above the treeline. It will be disguised as a silo, but, even then....
Antietam is regarded as a prime battleground that has not suffered the encroachments of urbanization and commercialization like others.
The tower proposal has caused the Civil War Preservation Trust to list Antietam among its top ten most-endangered sites for 2008.
Sixty percent of the park's land has been added since 1990. Other significant changes to the landscape is the stone observation tower put up by the War Department in 1890 to assist in officer training, the various markers and memorials, and roads have been paved.
Interesting Comments
There were four comments when I looked earlier today.
corbs wrote: "come on this place is old and who cares anymore. stop gettin in the way of progress! pave over the whole thing if i can get better cell reception."
Bruce replied: "corbs you are a complete idiot. I'm willing to bet you're young and could care less about history." He then went on to tell why history is important.
Can't wait to see what else transpires tomorrow.
Read my Lips. No Cell Towers, Even if corbs Wants One. --Old B-Runner
Confederate Car Tags
There are 109 specialty car tags in the state of Florida. State Representative Don Brown of DeFuniak Springs wants a Confederate Heritage license plate to be made available.
The cost will be an extra $25 with proceeds going to educational programs of the SCV, graveyard maintenance, and museum exhibits.
It will feature a shield displaying a Confederate flag surrounded by other flags of the era.
This ought to really stir up a LOT of controversy by the pcs.
Hey, sign me up for one, wait, I don't live in Florida. Oh Well!!!
And Down Da Road I Go.-- The Old B-R'er.
The cost will be an extra $25 with proceeds going to educational programs of the SCV, graveyard maintenance, and museum exhibits.
It will feature a shield displaying a Confederate flag surrounded by other flags of the era.
This ought to really stir up a LOT of controversy by the pcs.
Hey, sign me up for one, wait, I don't live in Florida. Oh Well!!!
And Down Da Road I Go.-- The Old B-R'er.
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Fifteen More Threatened Sites
The Civil War Preservation trust also listed 15 more sites that are at risk.
They are:
1. Brandy Station, Va.
2, Fort Monroe, Va.
3. Fort Morgan, Al.
4. Fort Stevens, DC
5. Glorieta, NM
6. Hoke's Run, WV
7. Honey Springs, Ok.
8. Kennesaw Mountain, Ga.
9. Lovejoy's Station, Ga.
10. Mansfield, La.
11. Petersburg, Va.
12. Richmond, Ky.
13. Sheperdstown, WV
14. South Mountain, Md.
15. Yadkin River Bridge, NC
They are:
1. Brandy Station, Va.
2, Fort Monroe, Va.
3. Fort Morgan, Al.
4. Fort Stevens, DC
5. Glorieta, NM
6. Hoke's Run, WV
7. Honey Springs, Ok.
8. Kennesaw Mountain, Ga.
9. Lovejoy's Station, Ga.
10. Mansfield, La.
11. Petersburg, Va.
12. Richmond, Ky.
13. Sheperdstown, WV
14. South Mountain, Md.
15. Yadkin River Bridge, NC
Ten Most Endangered Civil War Sites-- 2008
The Civil War Preservation Trust has issued it's annual list of ten most endangered Civil War Sites.
This year, they are as follows:
1. Antietam, Maryland
2. Cedar Creek, Virginia
3. Cold Harbor, Va.
4. Hunterstown, Pa.
5. Monocacy, Md.
6. Natural Bridge, Fl.
7. Perryville, Ky.
8. Prairie Grove
9. Savannah, Ga.
10. Spring Hill, Tn.
This is a great way to bring the plight of our battlefields and sites to the attention of the American public. I am a proud member of this organization which has saved hundreds of acres of our Hallowed Ground.
For more information: www.civilwar.org
That They Who Have Perished. --Old Blockade-R
This year, they are as follows:
1. Antietam, Maryland
2. Cedar Creek, Virginia
3. Cold Harbor, Va.
4. Hunterstown, Pa.
5. Monocacy, Md.
6. Natural Bridge, Fl.
7. Perryville, Ky.
8. Prairie Grove
9. Savannah, Ga.
10. Spring Hill, Tn.
This is a great way to bring the plight of our battlefields and sites to the attention of the American public. I am a proud member of this organization which has saved hundreds of acres of our Hallowed Ground.
For more information: www.civilwar.org
That They Who Have Perished. --Old Blockade-R
Got $3-$5 Million?
The March 8th New York Post reports that Sotheby's will be offering a letter from Abraham Lincoln which may garner the biggest bucks of any article of his that ever came up for auction. Estimates range from $3 to $5 million.
It is an 1864 letter written by Lincoln in reply to a petition to free all slave children.
"Please tell these little people I am very glad their young hearts are so full of just and generous sympathy and that, while I have not that power to grant all they ask, I trust they will remember that God has and that, as it seems, He wills to do it."
A Touch Too Expensive for Me. --Old B-Runner
It is an 1864 letter written by Lincoln in reply to a petition to free all slave children.
"Please tell these little people I am very glad their young hearts are so full of just and generous sympathy and that, while I have not that power to grant all they ask, I trust they will remember that God has and that, as it seems, He wills to do it."
A Touch Too Expensive for Me. --Old B-Runner
He's At It Again!!!
On March 12th, WTVC of Chattanooga, Tn, reports that H.K. Edgerton was seen in Ringgold, Georgia, wearing a Confederate uniform and carrying a Confederate flag. He is there to oppose the removal of the Confederate flag from the city's flagpole.
"I'm here because your town council climbed into bed with the politically correct folks who are practicing social and cultural genocide here in the south land of America."
What is especially surprising about this story is that H. K. Edgerton is a black man!!!
Way to Go, H. K.!!! --Old Blockade-Runner
"I'm here because your town council climbed into bed with the politically correct folks who are practicing social and cultural genocide here in the south land of America."
What is especially surprising about this story is that H. K. Edgerton is a black man!!!
Way to Go, H. K.!!! --Old Blockade-Runner
Battle of Natural Bridge, Florida
On March 6, 1865, a ragtag group of 700 old men and cadets from West Florida Seminary (which today is Florida State University, successfully fended off three attacks by 500 Union troops, including members of the 2nd and 99th US Colored Troops. This saved Tallahassee from capture, which became the only Confederate capital east of the Mississippi River not captured by Union forces during the Civil War.
Casualties were comparatively light: 7 Confederates and 21 Union. It was one of the last Confederate victories.
The weekend of February 23-24th, they had a re-enactment at the site.
I should mention that the Battle of Natural Bridge has been placed on the Civil War Preservation Trust's just-released list of Top Ten Endangered Civil War Sites for 2008. The problem is that it is in the suburbs of a rapidly growing Tallahassee. Only seven acres are protected. The owner of 55 acres where some of the fiercest fighting took place is trying to sell it. The State of Florida has been in negotiations with him for quite some time, but no progress has been made.
Save That Bridge!! --Old B-R'er
Casualties were comparatively light: 7 Confederates and 21 Union. It was one of the last Confederate victories.
The weekend of February 23-24th, they had a re-enactment at the site.
I should mention that the Battle of Natural Bridge has been placed on the Civil War Preservation Trust's just-released list of Top Ten Endangered Civil War Sites for 2008. The problem is that it is in the suburbs of a rapidly growing Tallahassee. Only seven acres are protected. The owner of 55 acres where some of the fiercest fighting took place is trying to sell it. The State of Florida has been in negotiations with him for quite some time, but no progress has been made.
Save That Bridge!! --Old B-R'er
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Doing My Civil War Thing
Just got back from a 17 day trip to the Gulf Coast to get away from the rotten winter we're having in the Midwest.
Of course, that's the South and that means Civil War, so I visited some sites along the way.
I visited both Fort Gaines and Fort Morgan guarding Mobile Bay all these years. I also went to Fort Barrancas on the Pensacola Naval Air Station and drove by the Advanced Redoubt.
Jefferson Davis' Beauvoir Home in Biloxi is looking great from the outside, but not open to the public yet.
Along the highways I saw two different Sons of Confederate Veterans displays.
More Later. --Old B-R'er
Of course, that's the South and that means Civil War, so I visited some sites along the way.
I visited both Fort Gaines and Fort Morgan guarding Mobile Bay all these years. I also went to Fort Barrancas on the Pensacola Naval Air Station and drove by the Advanced Redoubt.
Jefferson Davis' Beauvoir Home in Biloxi is looking great from the outside, but not open to the public yet.
Along the highways I saw two different Sons of Confederate Veterans displays.
More Later. --Old B-R'er
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