Since we are spending a week here at Panama City Beach, I figured, it being right by the Gulf of Mexico, some action had to take place during the Civil War.
I found a website called Exploring Southern History by doing an explore.
I found out that people were coming to St. Andrew's Bay before the Civil War for the cool summer breezes and swimming and there was even a little shipping industry going on for products coming down the river like lumber and agricultural products.
During the war, St. Andrew's Bay became a major site of salt making which drew the attention of Union blockaders who made numerous attacks on the factories. But, as soon as one was destroyed, another popped up in its place.
Evidently. there was also a small action at St. Andrew's Bay which I will look into.
A Backburner Civil War. --Old B-Runner
This blog grew out of my "Down Da Road I Go Blog," which was originally to be about stuff I was interested in, music and what I was doing. There was so much history and Civil War entries, I spun two more off. Starting Jan. 1, 2012, I will be spinning a Naval blog off this one called "Running the Blockade."

The Battle of Fort Fisher, N.C.
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Monday, February 22, 2010
Not Much Civil War So Far
We might go over to Panama City if we get some bad weather to see if there is anything historical or Civil Warish over there.
Also thinking of swinging by Pensacola on the way back home. I understand the road to Fort Pickens, which was wrecked by hurricanes Katrina and Ike, is open again.
That is a fort I haven't visited yet.
Picken What? --Old B-Runner
Also thinking of swinging by Pensacola on the way back home. I understand the road to Fort Pickens, which was wrecked by hurricanes Katrina and Ike, is open again.
That is a fort I haven't visited yet.
Picken What? --Old B-Runner
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Secession Day Still a Bone of Contention
We are currently a short distance north of Alabama's capital. While reading today's Montgomery Advertiser, I came across an article about a planned Secession Day observance.
Secession Day for Alabama is January 11, 1861, when Alabama seceded from the Union. It is being observed today because that is closer to when Jefferson Davis was inaugurated as President of the Confederacy.
As you might expect. there is a fair convergence of opinion as to this observation. The Southern Poverty Law Center (anti-Confederate) calls it a "hate fest." One of the speakers at it is from the League of the South (pro-Confderate) which supports another Southern secession.
It would be interesting to go, but we have a date with the beach and some things, after this long, long winter, just take precedence.
This should really be the event next year on the 150th anniversary.
Can't We All Just Get Along? --Old B-Runner
Secession Day for Alabama is January 11, 1861, when Alabama seceded from the Union. It is being observed today because that is closer to when Jefferson Davis was inaugurated as President of the Confederacy.
As you might expect. there is a fair convergence of opinion as to this observation. The Southern Poverty Law Center (anti-Confederate) calls it a "hate fest." One of the speakers at it is from the League of the South (pro-Confderate) which supports another Southern secession.
It would be interesting to go, but we have a date with the beach and some things, after this long, long winter, just take precedence.
This should really be the event next year on the 150th anniversary.
Can't We All Just Get Along? --Old B-Runner
Friday, February 19, 2010
Latest on the Bald Head Island Skeletons
Feb. 18th Wilmington Star News. Always a great source if you want to know anything going on in and around that part of North Carolina.
The three skeletal remains found at the golf course on Bald Head Island earlier this month will be examined by North Carolina state archaeologists. Work at the 7th green has been suspended for now, but other projects at the course will be continued.
The first skeleton was discovered Feb. 5th and the second a few days later. Feb. 12th, the third set was discovered in a pile of sand already dug up.
It is believed that they are most likely from the Civil War era as Confederate Fort Holmes was on the site. Small buttons with military insignia were discovered by the third skeleton.
There are no known records of burials at the site, but 28 deaths occurred at the island during Confederate occupation. Some of the dead no doubt were buried back at their homes.
Their burials are consistent with what you'd expect to find at a cemetery.
The Mystery Deepens. --Old B-Runner
The three skeletal remains found at the golf course on Bald Head Island earlier this month will be examined by North Carolina state archaeologists. Work at the 7th green has been suspended for now, but other projects at the course will be continued.
The first skeleton was discovered Feb. 5th and the second a few days later. Feb. 12th, the third set was discovered in a pile of sand already dug up.
It is believed that they are most likely from the Civil War era as Confederate Fort Holmes was on the site. Small buttons with military insignia were discovered by the third skeleton.
There are no known records of burials at the site, but 28 deaths occurred at the island during Confederate occupation. Some of the dead no doubt were buried back at their homes.
Their burials are consistent with what you'd expect to find at a cemetery.
The Mystery Deepens. --Old B-Runner
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Civil War Events Around Wilmington, NC
Editorial in the Feb. 17th Wilmington Star News.
The editorial spotlighted the 145th anniversaries of two battles fought in the Wilmington Campaign following the capture of Fort Fisher. Both will be held this weekend. One is for the Battle of Fort Anderson and the other the Battle of the Forks, near the Cameron Art Museum grounds.
"It is a chance also to promote our region as a destination for tourists interested in the Civil War." Unfortunately, Wilmington's Civil War is not as well known as the Battles of Gettysburg, Bull Run and others.
Two experts on the battles, Jim McKee and Chris Fonvielle will be leading the events at these sites.
Sure wish I could be there.
I Already Know the Importance of the Area, But Agree That Most Don't Know Much About It. --Old B-Runner
The editorial spotlighted the 145th anniversaries of two battles fought in the Wilmington Campaign following the capture of Fort Fisher. Both will be held this weekend. One is for the Battle of Fort Anderson and the other the Battle of the Forks, near the Cameron Art Museum grounds.
"It is a chance also to promote our region as a destination for tourists interested in the Civil War." Unfortunately, Wilmington's Civil War is not as well known as the Battles of Gettysburg, Bull Run and others.
Two experts on the battles, Jim McKee and Chris Fonvielle will be leading the events at these sites.
Sure wish I could be there.
I Already Know the Importance of the Area, But Agree That Most Don't Know Much About It. --Old B-Runner
Bones Found On Bald Head Island, NC
The Feb. 11th Wilmington Star News reported that human skeletal remains were found on Bald Head Islands by the mouth of the Cape Fear River. On Feb. 7th, a full skeleton with arms crossed was found and the following day another one was found.
These were found in the remains of Confederate Fort Holmes so might be those of soldiers.
Construction workers came across the three bodies while working on the 7th green of the Bald Head Island Club golf course.
Time for a Proper Burial. --Old B-Runner
These were found in the remains of Confederate Fort Holmes so might be those of soldiers.
Construction workers came across the three bodies while working on the 7th green of the Bald Head Island Club golf course.
Time for a Proper Burial. --Old B-Runner
John Baptist Smith
Yesterday, I was listing Confederates of note buried in Wilmington's Oakdale Cemetery and had John Baptist Smith buried there, but he was actually buried in Caswell County, North Carolina, along the Virginia state line.
I also had his middle name incorrectly spelled.
I also found an article in Wikipedia about him and will in the future have an entry about this interesting man's life.
In 1862, he invented and helped build a lantern system for naval lighting that proved very effective for blockade-runners coming and leaving Wilmington, NC.
A Very Interesting Life. --Old B-Runner
I also had his middle name incorrectly spelled.
I also found an article in Wikipedia about him and will in the future have an entry about this interesting man's life.
In 1862, he invented and helped build a lantern system for naval lighting that proved very effective for blockade-runners coming and leaving Wilmington, NC.
A Very Interesting Life. --Old B-Runner
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
GAR Meeting Place Resurrected
From the Feb. 8th Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, Marylynne Pitz.
For many years, the Captain Thomas Espy Post of the Grand Army of the Republic met on the second floor of the Carnegie Free Library and Music Hall in Carnegie, Pennsylvania.
Thomas Espy was 53 (very old to enlist) when he enlisted in the Union Army and was wounded at the Battle of Gaines Mill in 1862, taken prisoner and died a few days later, leaving a wife and eight children.
The post was chartered in 1879 with many former members of the 62nd Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry. They moved to the library in 1906. The last member died in 1937, and the hall was closed.
In the 1980s, Civil War buff Michael Kraus bought a sword from a man in Carnegie wo suggested he visit the old post which was then used for storage. The place was a mess, but he was sparked to action and volunteered to catalog 100 Civil War artifacts still remaining from a 1911 list of 177.
He then organized a group and helped clean the place up. It is now one of only six in tact GAR Halls left in the United States.
Hats Off to Mr. Kraus On a Job Well Done. --Old B-Runner
For many years, the Captain Thomas Espy Post of the Grand Army of the Republic met on the second floor of the Carnegie Free Library and Music Hall in Carnegie, Pennsylvania.
Thomas Espy was 53 (very old to enlist) when he enlisted in the Union Army and was wounded at the Battle of Gaines Mill in 1862, taken prisoner and died a few days later, leaving a wife and eight children.
The post was chartered in 1879 with many former members of the 62nd Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry. They moved to the library in 1906. The last member died in 1937, and the hall was closed.
In the 1980s, Civil War buff Michael Kraus bought a sword from a man in Carnegie wo suggested he visit the old post which was then used for storage. The place was a mess, but he was sparked to action and volunteered to catalog 100 Civil War artifacts still remaining from a 1911 list of 177.
He then organized a group and helped clean the place up. It is now one of only six in tact GAR Halls left in the United States.
Hats Off to Mr. Kraus On a Job Well Done. --Old B-Runner
GAR Hall,
Grand Army of the Republic,
Confederate Burials inWilmington's Oakdale Cemetery-- Part 2
Nine Maffitts are buried in the cemetery.
Famous Confederate sea captain and blockade-runner JOHN NEWLAND MAFFITT, born Feb. 22, 1819 (at sea). Died May 15, 1886. Section N Lot 25.
His wife EMMA. Born 1843 died Feb. 6, 1918.
CMDR. JOSEPH PRICE, CSN-- Section K Lot 48
JOHN BAPTIST SMITH-- 1843-1923. There are pictures of the field glasses used by J. B. Smith on board the blockade-runner Advance. As a member of the Confederate signal corps, saw the destruction of the USS Congress and Cumberland by the CSS Virginia.
In July 1862 he was sent to the Cape Fear to organize the signal service.
From the Caswell County Historical Association Feb. 2007.
I found out he wasn't buried in Oakdake Cemetery.
A Salute to The Gone. --Old B-Runner
Famous Confederate sea captain and blockade-runner JOHN NEWLAND MAFFITT, born Feb. 22, 1819 (at sea). Died May 15, 1886. Section N Lot 25.
His wife EMMA. Born 1843 died Feb. 6, 1918.
CMDR. JOSEPH PRICE, CSN-- Section K Lot 48
JOHN BAPTIST SMITH-- 1843-1923. There are pictures of the field glasses used by J. B. Smith on board the blockade-runner Advance. As a member of the Confederate signal corps, saw the destruction of the USS Congress and Cumberland by the CSS Virginia.
In July 1862 he was sent to the Cape Fear to organize the signal service.
From the Caswell County Historical Association Feb. 2007.
I found out he wasn't buried in Oakdake Cemetery.
A Salute to The Gone. --Old B-Runner
Monday, February 15, 2010
Confederate Burials in Wilmington's Oakdale Cemetery-- Part 1
This past fall, a ceremony was held at the grave of Fort Fisher's Major James Reilly, who surrendered the fort after Whiting and Lamb had been wounded. His grave is at Oakdale Cemetery in Wilmington, North Carolina.
There are quite a few other Confederate graves in the cemetery.
KATHERINE DAVIS WHITING-- wife of General Whiting. October 14, 1836-November 21, 1901. It was her efforts that had the general's body moved from New York back to his adopted Wilmington after the war.
GENERAL W. H. C. WHITING-- March 22, 1824- March 10, 1865. He had been wounded twice during the Second Battle of Fort Fisher. He was captured and imprisoned at Governor's Island in New York Harbor.
His wounds were healing and he was gaining strength when suddenly he was stricken with diarrhea and dysentery and he died 12 days short of his 41st birthday. Sometime in the late 1800s, his wife had him reinterred at Oakdale.
More Confederate Burials to Come. --Old B-Runner
The Mark of War on Fayetteville, NC
From the August 26th Fayetteville (NC) Observer.
The town was ravaged in the closing months of the war when the Union army passed through. When someone would inquire about the damage, the typical response was "Sherman done it."
As General Sherman's army marched across Georgia, South Carolina and into North Carolina, it had become very proficient at destroying things. You could say they had it down to an art. They unleashed the full-brunt of their ability on Fayetteville.
The city was an important object because of the Fayetteville Arsenal, one of the South's largest. Its stone buildings were knocked down in a half day using rails hung from tripods like battering rams of old. An engineer band played lively tunes each time a wall came down.
Confederates had burned the old Clarendon Bridge during their retreat, but it didn't take Sherman's pontooners, the 58th Indiana long to build a replacement across the river.
Brigadier General Absalom Baird was in charge of Fayetteville during the three day occupation. Along with the arsenal, four cotton factories and two foundries were destroyed.
Get 'Cher Shermanized Steak. --Old B-Runner
The town was ravaged in the closing months of the war when the Union army passed through. When someone would inquire about the damage, the typical response was "Sherman done it."
As General Sherman's army marched across Georgia, South Carolina and into North Carolina, it had become very proficient at destroying things. You could say they had it down to an art. They unleashed the full-brunt of their ability on Fayetteville.
The city was an important object because of the Fayetteville Arsenal, one of the South's largest. Its stone buildings were knocked down in a half day using rails hung from tripods like battering rams of old. An engineer band played lively tunes each time a wall came down.
Confederates had burned the old Clarendon Bridge during their retreat, but it didn't take Sherman's pontooners, the 58th Indiana long to build a replacement across the river.
Brigadier General Absalom Baird was in charge of Fayetteville during the three day occupation. Along with the arsenal, four cotton factories and two foundries were destroyed.
Get 'Cher Shermanized Steak. --Old B-Runner
Running the Blockade: Money-- Dram Tree-- Golden Gate Forts
Running the Blockade: Some New News About an Old War.
1. MONEY-- Congress allocates $9 million to Civil War Battlefield Preservation Programs. It was created in 1999 and since then has saved 15,000 acres at 160 battlefields in 14 states. And this is not counting lands save by the Civil War Preservation Trust. Always a good thing.
2. DRAM TREE-- On the Cape Fear River was located about two miles south of Wilmington, NC. Crews on ships had their first draw of grog when outward bound and last dram on the way in. I was unable to determine if it still exists, but the Wilmington Convention Center Arts Committee is having a competition for a sculpture of it which will be located outside the center.
3. GOLDEN GATE FORTS-- Two of the Union forts that were supposed to protect San Francisco during the war were Alcatraz and Fort Point. Alcatraz was begun on the island in 1853 and completed in 1858. By 1861, it mounted 85 cannons which increased to 105 by 1866. It also served as San Francisco's arsenal to prevent Confederate sympathizers from getting the weapons and ammunition.
Fort Point is located at the southern end of the Golden Gate and was built 1853-1861. The CSS Shenandoah had plans of attacking the SF forts, but dropped them when they learned the war was over.
So, Now You Know. --B-R'er
1. MONEY-- Congress allocates $9 million to Civil War Battlefield Preservation Programs. It was created in 1999 and since then has saved 15,000 acres at 160 battlefields in 14 states. And this is not counting lands save by the Civil War Preservation Trust. Always a good thing.
2. DRAM TREE-- On the Cape Fear River was located about two miles south of Wilmington, NC. Crews on ships had their first draw of grog when outward bound and last dram on the way in. I was unable to determine if it still exists, but the Wilmington Convention Center Arts Committee is having a competition for a sculpture of it which will be located outside the center.
3. GOLDEN GATE FORTS-- Two of the Union forts that were supposed to protect San Francisco during the war were Alcatraz and Fort Point. Alcatraz was begun on the island in 1853 and completed in 1858. By 1861, it mounted 85 cannons which increased to 105 by 1866. It also served as San Francisco's arsenal to prevent Confederate sympathizers from getting the weapons and ammunition.
Fort Point is located at the southern end of the Golden Gate and was built 1853-1861. The CSS Shenandoah had plans of attacking the SF forts, but dropped them when they learned the war was over.
So, Now You Know. --B-R'er
Meals Aboard Union Ships
By Steve Hessons in the Civil War Navy and marine Forum, Yahoo E-Mail Group.
3:30 am to 4 am, the Duty Gunners mate would light the galley fire. he was the only enlisted sailor allowed to have fire-making materials. He was also make the first pot of coffee.
The cook and his mess cooks would begin getting items for breakfast.
BREAKFAST: coffee and hard rack
DINNER: the midday meal, biggest of the day. Usually soup or stew made from whatever meat available: salt pork, salt beef or fresh meat. It would also include onions, vegetables and potatoes.
SUPPER: tea and hard tack
The Cooks' helpers were called Mess Cooks who were elected by each mess. Their task was to take food to the mess and bring dirty dishes back.
A mess usually consisted of 12 sailors, always members of the same watch. Each had a Mess Chest, a wooden box with the high-sided tin mess pans.
Definitely Not Your Good Eating in the Neighborhood. --Old B-Runner
3:30 am to 4 am, the Duty Gunners mate would light the galley fire. he was the only enlisted sailor allowed to have fire-making materials. He was also make the first pot of coffee.
The cook and his mess cooks would begin getting items for breakfast.
BREAKFAST: coffee and hard rack
DINNER: the midday meal, biggest of the day. Usually soup or stew made from whatever meat available: salt pork, salt beef or fresh meat. It would also include onions, vegetables and potatoes.
SUPPER: tea and hard tack
The Cooks' helpers were called Mess Cooks who were elected by each mess. Their task was to take food to the mess and bring dirty dishes back.
A mess usually consisted of 12 sailors, always members of the same watch. Each had a Mess Chest, a wooden box with the high-sided tin mess pans.
Definitely Not Your Good Eating in the Neighborhood. --Old B-Runner
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Sanitation on Union Ships
Steve Hesson in the Civil War Navy and Marine Forum No. 1638, October 27, 2009. Again, this is just the very shortened version. Check out the full one at the site.
Ship sanitation was important and washing of the body and clothing paramount. Sailors received one bucket of fresh water a day. This was not so much of a problem in the freshwater Navy, but, obviously a bigger situation on seagoing ships. Most ships could not distill freshwater.
Part of the water in the bucket was allotted to the galley. The rest was used to wash hands and face, shave, brush teeth. depending on the weather sailors would also strip and bathe every other day.
Those serving on the "city" class ironclads were even more fortunate as the paddle wheels deposited water in tanks which was then used for showers and then for toilets with running water.
More Stinky Stuff to Come. --Old B-R
Ship sanitation was important and washing of the body and clothing paramount. Sailors received one bucket of fresh water a day. This was not so much of a problem in the freshwater Navy, but, obviously a bigger situation on seagoing ships. Most ships could not distill freshwater.
Part of the water in the bucket was allotted to the galley. The rest was used to wash hands and face, shave, brush teeth. depending on the weather sailors would also strip and bathe every other day.
Those serving on the "city" class ironclads were even more fortunate as the paddle wheels deposited water in tanks which was then used for showers and then for toilets with running water.
More Stinky Stuff to Come. --Old B-R
Friday, February 12, 2010
Aunt Becky, First Union Nurse?
From the October 28th Des Moines (Iowa) Register.
Sarah Palmer was known to the soldiers she cared for as Aunt Becky and is believed to have been the first Union nurse. She was a New York native who joined because of her brothers' service and stayed with the Army for three years.
In 1867, friends urged her to write a book, and she did with "The Story of Aunt Becky's Army Life." After the war, she married David Young, and moved to Iowa where she lived until 1906 and is buried in Woodland cemetery.
At a recent service, she was honored by the Sons of Union veterans of the Civil War.
I see that her book is available at Amazon for $14,
Quite a Woman. Great Story. --Old B-Runner
Sarah Palmer was known to the soldiers she cared for as Aunt Becky and is believed to have been the first Union nurse. She was a New York native who joined because of her brothers' service and stayed with the Army for three years.
In 1867, friends urged her to write a book, and she did with "The Story of Aunt Becky's Army Life." After the war, she married David Young, and moved to Iowa where she lived until 1906 and is buried in Woodland cemetery.
At a recent service, she was honored by the Sons of Union veterans of the Civil War.
I see that her book is available at Amazon for $14,
Quite a Woman. Great Story. --Old B-Runner
Back Then: Fort Fisher Survivors Association
Feb. 10th Wilmington Star News back then column.
In a continuing effort, the Feb. 4, 1910, newspaper reported that Reverend J. A. Smith and H. C. McQueen, both of Wilmington, had travelled to Washington, DC along with two Union veterans, all of whom belonged to the Fort Fisher Survivors Association, in order to try to get the fort made into a national park.
I have read about them trying several times to do this. But, alas, never a success. But, at least it became a state park.
Go Fort Fisher. --Old B-Runner
In a continuing effort, the Feb. 4, 1910, newspaper reported that Reverend J. A. Smith and H. C. McQueen, both of Wilmington, had travelled to Washington, DC along with two Union veterans, all of whom belonged to the Fort Fisher Survivors Association, in order to try to get the fort made into a national park.
I have read about them trying several times to do this. But, alas, never a success. But, at least it became a state park.
Go Fort Fisher. --Old B-Runner
Thursday, February 11, 2010
And, Speaking of Semmes
The last entry was about the gun from Confederate Admiral Raphael Semmes' CSS Alabama. Well, his cousin, Alexander Alderman Semmes, was in the US Navy and commanding the monitor USS Lehigh operating off Charleston, SC.
Starting yesterday, February 10, 1865, and going until Feb. 14th, his ship and the smaller wooden gunboats Commodore McDonough, Wissahickon, C. P. Wiliams, Dan Smith and geranium supported Brig. General Alexander Schimmelfenning's troop movements in the Stono and Folly river, SC area as the Army prepared for their final push on Charleston.
It's All in the Family. --B-R
Starting yesterday, February 10, 1865, and going until Feb. 14th, his ship and the smaller wooden gunboats Commodore McDonough, Wissahickon, C. P. Wiliams, Dan Smith and geranium supported Brig. General Alexander Schimmelfenning's troop movements in the Stono and Folly river, SC area as the Army prepared for their final push on Charleston.
It's All in the Family. --B-R
CSS Alabama Gun
A follow up on the earlier entry on the gun's arrival in Mobile, Alabama. From Fox 10 TV in Mobile.
They report that there are many artifacts from the Alabama on display at the Museum of Mobile and evidently the cannon will become the centerpiece of a 700 foot display on the ship and its captain, Rafael Semmes. City of Mobile carpenters are currently building a carriage for it.
The gun is one of six 32-pdrs on the vessel and weighs 5000 pounds and is ten feet long. There were two other heavier calibre pivot guns.
Three of the six 32-pdrs have been recovered from the sea. One is at the Washington, DC Navy Yard and the other still at North Charleston, SC, where this one was preserved. This one is on long-term loan from the US Naval History and heritage Command in Washington, DC.
David Alsobrook, director of the museum, says, "Since Admiral Raphael Semmes' postwar residence and his grave site are in Mobile, I think our Museum is the logical home for the artifact.
Back With the Admiral. --Old B-R
They report that there are many artifacts from the Alabama on display at the Museum of Mobile and evidently the cannon will become the centerpiece of a 700 foot display on the ship and its captain, Rafael Semmes. City of Mobile carpenters are currently building a carriage for it.
The gun is one of six 32-pdrs on the vessel and weighs 5000 pounds and is ten feet long. There were two other heavier calibre pivot guns.
Three of the six 32-pdrs have been recovered from the sea. One is at the Washington, DC Navy Yard and the other still at North Charleston, SC, where this one was preserved. This one is on long-term loan from the US Naval History and heritage Command in Washington, DC.
David Alsobrook, director of the museum, says, "Since Admiral Raphael Semmes' postwar residence and his grave site are in Mobile, I think our Museum is the logical home for the artifact.
Back With the Admiral. --Old B-R
CSS Alabama,
Mobile Alabama,
Raphael Semmes
Can the Magee Surrender Site Be Saved?
Last year, the owners of the Magee Farmhouse Site, near Mobile, Alabama, where initial negotiations were carried out for the final Confederate surrender east of the Mississippi, announced that they were probably going to have to close because of lack of funds.
However, the director of the Spanish Fort Park, JoAnn Flirt, has offered to move the building to her site. Ben George, co-owner of the Magee property says that they will also need $200,000 to pay off the mortgage. She calls this a deal-breaker. The park can come up with the $75,000 to $100,000 to move it, but not he other $200,000.
The two-story farmhouse was built in 1848 by Jacob Magee. This is where Union General E.R.S. Canby and Confederate General Richard Taylor met a few weeks after the North's victory at the Battle of Blakely, April 9, 1865, the last major battle of the war east of the Mississippi.
The actual surrender of Confederate forces took place at Citronelle a few days after the Magee meeting.
The Union band commenced playing "The Battle Hymn of the Republic" until Canby ordered them to play "Dixie."
The home has some original furniture and several hundred Civil War artifacts.
here's Hoping They Save It. --Blockade-R
However, the director of the Spanish Fort Park, JoAnn Flirt, has offered to move the building to her site. Ben George, co-owner of the Magee property says that they will also need $200,000 to pay off the mortgage. She calls this a deal-breaker. The park can come up with the $75,000 to $100,000 to move it, but not he other $200,000.
The two-story farmhouse was built in 1848 by Jacob Magee. This is where Union General E.R.S. Canby and Confederate General Richard Taylor met a few weeks after the North's victory at the Battle of Blakely, April 9, 1865, the last major battle of the war east of the Mississippi.
The actual surrender of Confederate forces took place at Citronelle a few days after the Magee meeting.
The Union band commenced playing "The Battle Hymn of the Republic" until Canby ordered them to play "Dixie."
The home has some original furniture and several hundred Civil War artifacts.
here's Hoping They Save It. --Blockade-R
Union Assault on Half Moon Battery
From the Civil War Naval Chronology, 145 years ago today.
Saturday, February 11, 1865-- Union ships Keystone State, Aries, Montgomery, Howquah, Emma and Vicksburg engage Half Moon battery, called battery Gatlin by Confederates) about six miles north of Fort Fisher. This bombardment pinned down General Hoke's division while General Schofield's troops advanced along the beach.
The weather got worse, preventing landing of pontoons and the Union troops withdrew to the Fort Fisher lines.
Porter's gunboats also engaged banks on the west bank of the river.
Union forces were continuing their march to Wilmington.
Half Moon Battery was built in 1862 on the west side of Myrtle Grove Sound in present day Carolina Beach, NC and mounted six guns. The site today is marked and preserved at the Forest-By-the-Sea condo complex. (From East Coast Forts).
When You Drop Half Trou? --Old B-Runner
Saturday, February 11, 1865-- Union ships Keystone State, Aries, Montgomery, Howquah, Emma and Vicksburg engage Half Moon battery, called battery Gatlin by Confederates) about six miles north of Fort Fisher. This bombardment pinned down General Hoke's division while General Schofield's troops advanced along the beach.
The weather got worse, preventing landing of pontoons and the Union troops withdrew to the Fort Fisher lines.
Porter's gunboats also engaged banks on the west bank of the river.
Union forces were continuing their march to Wilmington.
Half Moon Battery was built in 1862 on the west side of Myrtle Grove Sound in present day Carolina Beach, NC and mounted six guns. The site today is marked and preserved at the Forest-By-the-Sea condo complex. (From East Coast Forts).
When You Drop Half Trou? --Old B-Runner
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Major Reilly's Sword
The sword of Major James Reilly is on display at the Fort Fisher Museum. It was made in 1860 in Massachusetts and was used to surrender fort Fisher after both General Whiting and Colonel Lamb were wounded.
Reilly turned it over to Union Captain E. Lewis Moore who returned it in 1893. It has been in the possession of Reilly's descendants since then who have now loaned it to the state park.
The official surrender of the fort occurred on the night of Jan. 15, 1865 and was by General Whiting to Union General Alfred Terry.
Major Reilly was an enlisted man in the US Army before the Civil War and participated in the Seminole, Indian and Mexican wars.
Let's Hear it for the Major. --Old B-Runner
Reilly turned it over to Union Captain E. Lewis Moore who returned it in 1893. It has been in the possession of Reilly's descendants since then who have now loaned it to the state park.
The official surrender of the fort occurred on the night of Jan. 15, 1865 and was by General Whiting to Union General Alfred Terry.
Major Reilly was an enlisted man in the US Army before the Civil War and participated in the Seminole, Indian and Mexican wars.
Let's Hear it for the Major. --Old B-Runner
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Union Fort Warren
September 20, 2009 Boston Globe.
Construction on this fort by Boston began in 1833 and continued for decades. it still wasn't finished at the onset of the Civil War and by then was practically useless as a defensive position due to advances in artillery and tactics.
It never faced an enemy attack, but did house hundreds of Confederates as prisoners, including James M. Mason and John Slidell of the Trent Affair and Confederate Vice President Alexander H. Stephens.
Union soldiers at the fort are credited with writing the "John Brown's Body" marching song which later was the basis of the "Battle Hymn of the Republic."
Don't Fence Me In. --B-R'er
Construction on this fort by Boston began in 1833 and continued for decades. it still wasn't finished at the onset of the Civil War and by then was practically useless as a defensive position due to advances in artillery and tactics.
It never faced an enemy attack, but did house hundreds of Confederates as prisoners, including James M. Mason and John Slidell of the Trent Affair and Confederate Vice President Alexander H. Stephens.
Union soldiers at the fort are credited with writing the "John Brown's Body" marching song which later was the basis of the "Battle Hymn of the Republic."
Don't Fence Me In. --B-R'er
Eating On Union Ships
Back to Steve Hessons informative posts on the Civil War Navy and Marine Forum. Look back to the posts in September and October 2009.
Crews on both sides supplemented meals by hunting ( for the brown water Navy and fishing for both. This was true of Confederates as well. They could also purchase food from local vendors on "bum boats" and there were also licensed sutlers (like the Army).
Hot foods were often stews and soups. Rice and beans were a staple. Onions, carrots, potatoes or pork was also tossed in when available. There was also cold salt meat, cheese, the ever stand-by hard tack, soft bread and pickles.
Officers bought their own rations.
Eatin' Good in the Neighborhood. --Old B-Runner
Crews on both sides supplemented meals by hunting ( for the brown water Navy and fishing for both. This was true of Confederates as well. They could also purchase food from local vendors on "bum boats" and there were also licensed sutlers (like the Army).
Hot foods were often stews and soups. Rice and beans were a staple. Onions, carrots, potatoes or pork was also tossed in when available. There was also cold salt meat, cheese, the ever stand-by hard tack, soft bread and pickles.
Officers bought their own rations.
Eatin' Good in the Neighborhood. --Old B-Runner
Monday, February 8, 2010
Life in the Union Navy During the Civil War
From the Civil War Navy and Marine Re-enactor's Yahoo e-mail group website.
Last year, sigsaye2000 had quite a few postings that I found of interest. This person knows a lot about life in the navy during the war.
These are some of the things he had to say.
MEALS-- rations were seasonal and most ships had little stowage. Ships on blockade station received fresh provisions such as seasonal vegetables, meat and ice, every three days. Some ships even had primitive refrigeration stowage in the form of ice boxes insulated with straw and copper lines.
Ships operating on the rivers normally had army marching rations of salt pork and hard tack because they were not designed for sustained operations.
Sigsaye2000 wrote in much more detailed fashion, but I have shortened it considerably. I will returning to his postings in the future.
Eatin' High Off the Hog Out on the Blockade. --Old B-Runner
Last year, sigsaye2000 had quite a few postings that I found of interest. This person knows a lot about life in the navy during the war.
These are some of the things he had to say.
MEALS-- rations were seasonal and most ships had little stowage. Ships on blockade station received fresh provisions such as seasonal vegetables, meat and ice, every three days. Some ships even had primitive refrigeration stowage in the form of ice boxes insulated with straw and copper lines.
Ships operating on the rivers normally had army marching rations of salt pork and hard tack because they were not designed for sustained operations.
Sigsaye2000 wrote in much more detailed fashion, but I have shortened it considerably. I will returning to his postings in the future.
Eatin' High Off the Hog Out on the Blockade. --Old B-Runner
Death of Captain deRossett in 1910
The Wilmington (NC) Star News has a column every month where they look back at past issues and report on things going on at the time. The Feb. 3rd issue reported on an event 100 and 50 years earlier.
February 1, 1910, the death of Captain Armand LaMar deRossett, who had been hospitalized and whose death was somewhat expected, but still hurt the community deeply as he was well-liked.
He was born in Wilmington in 1842 and was attending Trinity College in Hartford, Connecticut when the war broke out. He returned home and joined the Confederate Army. He served at Fort Caswell and Confederate Point, which later became Fort Fisher.
He became a lieutenant in the 3rd NC and served with his brother-in-law Col. Gaston Meares in most of the Richmond-area battles. he was badly wounded at the Battles of Antietam and again at the battle of Averasboro near Dunn, North Carolina.
A Confederate Hero. --Old B-Runner
February 1, 1910, the death of Captain Armand LaMar deRossett, who had been hospitalized and whose death was somewhat expected, but still hurt the community deeply as he was well-liked.
He was born in Wilmington in 1842 and was attending Trinity College in Hartford, Connecticut when the war broke out. He returned home and joined the Confederate Army. He served at Fort Caswell and Confederate Point, which later became Fort Fisher.
He became a lieutenant in the 3rd NC and served with his brother-in-law Col. Gaston Meares in most of the Richmond-area battles. he was badly wounded at the Battles of Antietam and again at the battle of Averasboro near Dunn, North Carolina.
A Confederate Hero. --Old B-Runner
Sunday, February 7, 2010
The Armstrong Gun at Fort Fisher, NC
Armstrong guns were developed by Englishman Sir William Armstrong (1810-1900).
He also established the Armstrong Whitworth manufacturing empire. Both the Armstrong and Whitworth guns were very advanced examples of artillery and both used at Fort Fisher and the defense of the Cape Fear River. The Whitworths were especially useful in driving off blockaders when blockade-runners ran aground.
He first got involved in artillery during the Crimean War.
The company had problems building breech-loading cannons. In 1859, tests were conducted that showed breech-loading cannons were not powerful enough to penetrate iron.
Actually, I wasn't able to find too much on Sir William.
Make me a Big Gun. --Old B-Runner.
He also established the Armstrong Whitworth manufacturing empire. Both the Armstrong and Whitworth guns were very advanced examples of artillery and both used at Fort Fisher and the defense of the Cape Fear River. The Whitworths were especially useful in driving off blockaders when blockade-runners ran aground.
He first got involved in artillery during the Crimean War.
The company had problems building breech-loading cannons. In 1859, tests were conducted that showed breech-loading cannons were not powerful enough to penetrate iron.
Actually, I wasn't able to find too much on Sir William.
Make me a Big Gun. --Old B-Runner.
Saturday, February 6, 2010
CSS Alabama's Gun to Alabama-- Part 2
The Alabama was launched in 1862, and, during 22 months before it was sunk, boarded 447 ships and captured 2,000 Union sailors. The inscriptions on the two cannons show that they were made in Liverpool, England.
Of the eight cannons on the ship, four have been recovered. One is still at the Hunley site in North Charleston, SC. I'm not sure where the other two are.
The ship's bell of the Alabama was discovered and as of 2005,was at the Museum of Mobile on loan from the US Naval Historical Center.
The wreck was discovered in 1984 by a French mine sweeper.
I'm not sure whether the Alabama ever put into port in Mobile.
From the Feb. 5th Thibodaux (La) Daily Comet.
Coming Home. --B-R
Of the eight cannons on the ship, four have been recovered. One is still at the Hunley site in North Charleston, SC. I'm not sure where the other two are.
The ship's bell of the Alabama was discovered and as of 2005,was at the Museum of Mobile on loan from the US Naval Historical Center.
The wreck was discovered in 1984 by a French mine sweeper.
I'm not sure whether the Alabama ever put into port in Mobile.
From the Feb. 5th Thibodaux (La) Daily Comet.
Coming Home. --B-R
CSS Alabama's Gun to Alabama-- Part 1
One of two recovered cannons from the wreck of the Confederate Raider CSS Alabama arrive in Mobile yesterday where it will be housed at that the Museum of Mobile, making that place a must-see for me the next time I'm there which may be at the end of the month.
The three-plus ton 32-pdr., so called because of the weight of the shell it fired, was recovered from 200 feet deep in the English channel off Cherbourg, France, where the vessel sank June 11, 1864, after its engagement with the USS Kearsarge.
According to Paul Mardikian, the top conservator of the Confederate submarine Hunley at whose lab the cannons were preserved, this process to stabilize the guns took six years of immersions in a sodium bicarbonate and sodium hydroxide solution. He figures this will be the last cannons he preserved in this old way as Clemson University in South Carolina is testing a new process using subcritical fluid methods which will cut the time down from six years to six months.
Human remains, including a jaw bone, were found in the gun's encrustation. These were buried in a ceremony in Mobile a few years ago.
Roll, Alabama. --Old B-Runner
The three-plus ton 32-pdr., so called because of the weight of the shell it fired, was recovered from 200 feet deep in the English channel off Cherbourg, France, where the vessel sank June 11, 1864, after its engagement with the USS Kearsarge.
According to Paul Mardikian, the top conservator of the Confederate submarine Hunley at whose lab the cannons were preserved, this process to stabilize the guns took six years of immersions in a sodium bicarbonate and sodium hydroxide solution. He figures this will be the last cannons he preserved in this old way as Clemson University in South Carolina is testing a new process using subcritical fluid methods which will cut the time down from six years to six months.
Human remains, including a jaw bone, were found in the gun's encrustation. These were buried in a ceremony in Mobile a few years ago.
Roll, Alabama. --Old B-Runner
Friday, February 5, 2010
Nutfield Naughtiness Neatly Nipped
Compliments of the good folks at Civil War Interactive Newswire who very often spotlight the overlooked Naval part of the war.
February 4, 1864 was on a Thursday and on this date the blockade-runner Nutfield ran aground by New River Inlet, North Carolina, and Lt. Cmdr Roe of the USS Secaucus couldn't get it off and was forced to burn it to the waterline after liberating its cargo of rifles and the all-important medicine quinine which was used for fighting malaria.
The name of Lt.Cmdr. Francis Asbury Roe's ship was actually the USS Sassacus. He later became an admiral in the postwar Navy and had two US destroyers named after him.
There are good stories connected to Roe and the Sassacus which I will write about later.
Go, Little B-R, Go. --Old B-Runner
February 4, 1864 was on a Thursday and on this date the blockade-runner Nutfield ran aground by New River Inlet, North Carolina, and Lt. Cmdr Roe of the USS Secaucus couldn't get it off and was forced to burn it to the waterline after liberating its cargo of rifles and the all-important medicine quinine which was used for fighting malaria.
The name of Lt.Cmdr. Francis Asbury Roe's ship was actually the USS Sassacus. He later became an admiral in the postwar Navy and had two US destroyers named after him.
There are good stories connected to Roe and the Sassacus which I will write about later.
Go, Little B-R, Go. --Old B-Runner
Thursday, February 4, 2010
How Many Died in the Civil War?
Of interest considering yesterday's mention of the 620,000 trees to be planted along US-15 between Gettysburg and Culpepper County Virginia, was another article in the Fayetteville (NC) Observer where someone asked how many died in the war.
The answer was at least 622,000, perhaps as many as 700,000.
Official records count 364,511 Union soldiers dying, with 110,070 in battle and the rest from other causes, most notably from disease. Another 281,881 received non-mortal wounds.
On the Confederate side, the total was 133,821 deaths: 74,524 killed in battle and 59,297 from other causes.
It is estimated that another 26,000 to 31,000 died in Union prison camps.
Big Numbers. --Old B-Runner
The answer was at least 622,000, perhaps as many as 700,000.
Official records count 364,511 Union soldiers dying, with 110,070 in battle and the rest from other causes, most notably from disease. Another 281,881 received non-mortal wounds.
On the Confederate side, the total was 133,821 deaths: 74,524 killed in battle and 59,297 from other causes.
It is estimated that another 26,000 to 31,000 died in Union prison camps.
Big Numbers. --Old B-Runner
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Running the Blockade: Bentonville-- Up in the Trees-- Devil's Den
Some New News About an Old War. From Civil War Interactive Newswire-- always a great source for any and all things Civil War.
1. BENTONVILLE-- Looks like I am really going to have to go out to Bentonville, North Carolina for the huge re-enactment being held March 20-21st. Around 3,500 re-enactors will be there, more than I've ever seen.
Tickets are $8 before March 1st and $10 afterwards. That'll give me a chance to visit with family as well.
2. UP IN THE TREES-- Culpepper County, Virginia has voted to place 620,000 trees along US-15 from there northward to Gettysburg to honor the 620,000 Americans, both Union and Confederate, who died during the Civil War. This will cover 180 miles and obviously involve many other governments and lots of money and volunteering.
This will be in commemoration of the 150th anniversary of the war.
An admirable effort. Hope it succeeds. I'll volunteer.
3. DEVIL'S DEN-- The Gettysburg National Military Park will be removing a bathroom and the power lines running to it from this site in an effort to return it to its 1863 appearance. Good idea.
1. BENTONVILLE-- Looks like I am really going to have to go out to Bentonville, North Carolina for the huge re-enactment being held March 20-21st. Around 3,500 re-enactors will be there, more than I've ever seen.
Tickets are $8 before March 1st and $10 afterwards. That'll give me a chance to visit with family as well.
2. UP IN THE TREES-- Culpepper County, Virginia has voted to place 620,000 trees along US-15 from there northward to Gettysburg to honor the 620,000 Americans, both Union and Confederate, who died during the Civil War. This will cover 180 miles and obviously involve many other governments and lots of money and volunteering.
This will be in commemoration of the 150th anniversary of the war.
An admirable effort. Hope it succeeds. I'll volunteer.
3. DEVIL'S DEN-- The Gettysburg National Military Park will be removing a bathroom and the power lines running to it from this site in an effort to return it to its 1863 appearance. Good idea.
Monday, February 1, 2010
More Confederate Monuments in Magnolia Cemetery, Charleston, SC
Along with a monument to South Carolina generals killed during the war and the H. L. Hunley crew, there is also a monument in Magnolia Cemetery dedicated to the Confederate ironclads defending Charleston Harbor: Palmetto State, Chicora, Charleston, Columbia.
There is also a 10-inch Columbiad cannon that was found at Fort Sumter after the war.
Unknown Confederate sailors also have a cemetery there.
Another monument salutes the defenses of the harbor including forts Sumter, Moultrie, Johnson and Pemperton. Also, batteries Wagner, Gregg, Rutledge, Marion, Bee, Simkans, Marshall, Haskell, Beauregard, Ironclad Battery, Floating Battery, Battery Lamor and Secessionville.
Honoring Those Who defended. --B-Runner
There is also a 10-inch Columbiad cannon that was found at Fort Sumter after the war.
Unknown Confederate sailors also have a cemetery there.
Another monument salutes the defenses of the harbor including forts Sumter, Moultrie, Johnson and Pemperton. Also, batteries Wagner, Gregg, Rutledge, Marion, Bee, Simkans, Marshall, Haskell, Beauregard, Ironclad Battery, Floating Battery, Battery Lamor and Secessionville.
Honoring Those Who defended. --B-Runner
The Feb. 1st NewsOK had an article about two important sets of Civil War books.
In 1866, a Joint Resolution of Congress authorized the publication of Civil War records in a set of books that finally numbered 128 volumes. Officially called "The War of the Rebellion: A Compilation of Records of the Union and Confederate Armies," but more commonly referred to just as "Official Records." They were published between 1881 and 1901 and consisted of reports sent to superiors along the chain of command.
In addition, ma separate set of Naval records was published. I have several originals and a complete reprint set of the ORN as I call them.
The South came out with their own set to balance the OR called the Southern Historical Society Papers. They were published from 1869 to the 1950s and ended at 52 volumes. It is shortened to SHSP.
A Great Source of Information. --B-R'er
In 1866, a Joint Resolution of Congress authorized the publication of Civil War records in a set of books that finally numbered 128 volumes. Officially called "The War of the Rebellion: A Compilation of Records of the Union and Confederate Armies," but more commonly referred to just as "Official Records." They were published between 1881 and 1901 and consisted of reports sent to superiors along the chain of command.
In addition, ma separate set of Naval records was published. I have several originals and a complete reprint set of the ORN as I call them.
The South came out with their own set to balance the OR called the Southern Historical Society Papers. They were published from 1869 to the 1950s and ended at 52 volumes. It is shortened to SHSP.
A Great Source of Information. --B-R'er
Blockade Runners Paying Off Captors?
The Civil War Interactive Newswire reported on January 29th that back on that date in 1864, a Union Lt. Cmdr. James Chaplin, USN, was morally outraged by an attempt by the captain of a blockade runner he had captured to pay him off with 800 British pounds worth $4000 American.
I had never heard of it,the old fifty or hundred dollar bill next to the drivers license but. It wouldn't surprise me, however.
But Occifer, I Wasn't Speeding. --Old B-Runner
I had never heard of it,the old fifty or hundred dollar bill next to the drivers license but. It wouldn't surprise me, however.
But Occifer, I Wasn't Speeding. --Old B-Runner
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