This blog grew out of my "Down Da Road I Go Blog," which was originally to be about stuff I was interested in, music and what I was doing. There was so much history and Civil War entries, I spun two more off. Starting Jan. 1, 2012, I will be spinning a Naval blog off this one called "Running the Blockade."

The Battle of Fort Fisher, N.C.
Saturday, July 30, 2022
Also Buried at Louisville's Cave Hill Cemetery-- Part 6: "Pappy" Van Winkle and "Charlie Ward
Wednesday, July 27, 2022
RoadTrippin' with Gen. Charles Gilbert-- Part 5: Lincoln's Good Buddy and Brother and, the 'Gonzo'
Also buried at Louisville's Cave Hill Cemeery.
** JAMES SPEED (1812-1887)
In 1864, he was appointed Secretary of the Treasury by Abraham Lincoln. Brother of Joshua Fry Speed.
** JOSHUA FRY SPEED (1814-1882)
Friend and confidant of future President Lincoln in Springfield, Illinois. During the Civil War, served as Lincoln's Western Affairs advisor and was offered the position of Secretary several times but refused it.
** HUNTER S. THOMPSON (1937-2005)
Journalist and author. Internationally recognized "Gonza" journalist. Had a big best-seller with "Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas."
--Old Secesh
Monday, July 25, 2022
RoadTrippin' with Gen. Charles Gilbert-- Part 4: All That Chicken, Geography and the 'High Five'
When I go RoadTrippin' Through History with someone, such as in this case, Charles Gilbert, one of the things I do is go to the cemetery where he's buried and see if there are any names that pop to interest.
There are a lot of then in Louisville, Kentucky's Cave Hill Cemetery. Here are some more:
Well, we all know him and that chicken of his.
Geographer and advisor to President Wilson at the Versailles Peace Conference in 1919. Helped establish Georgraph as a legitimate field of study. First woman ever placed in the president's position of any national academic organization in the United States, Association of American Geographers.
Georgraphy was my college minor.
** DEREK ERVIN SMITH (1961-1996)
Starting forward for Louisville's 1980 NCAA Championship Tea, and played in NBA. Given credit as the "High Five" creator.
--Old Secesh
Friday, July 22, 2022
MCCWRT Discussion Group Meets Today: Topic 'Lee's Generals'
The McHenry County (Illinois) Civil War Round Table discussion group will meet tomorrow from 10 am to 11:30 pm at the Panera Bread Company on US Highway 14 (Northwest Highway) in Crystal Lake, Illinois.
The topic will be "Lee's Generals."
We are meeting in person and via Zoom.
All are welcome, so come on in out of the heat. (And, we do sometimes stay somewhat on topic every so often.)
Come on By. --Old Secesh
Wednesday, July 20, 2022
RoadTrippin' with Charles Gilbert-- Part 3: Gettysburg, Pro Football and 'The Kentucky Giant'
Tuesday, July 19, 2022
RoadTripping with Charles Gilbert to Cave Hill Cemetery-- Part 2: Undercover Confederate and Grandson of William Clark Who Est. Kentucky Derby
Some other folks of interest buried at Louisville, Kentucky's Cave Hill Cemetery:
JOHN BRECKINRIDGE CASTLEMAN: Confederate Army officer. Was involved with the Northwest Conspiracy in 1864 to free Confederate prisoners of war at Camp Douglas in Chicago. Led guerrilla force to burn supply boats at St. Louis. Captured and sentenced to death and spared only by personal intercession of Abraham Lincoln
After Lincoln's assassination, he was deported to France. Returned to U.S. in 1866 after a pardon from President Andrew Johnson. In 1898, he led the 1st Kentucky Volunteer Infantry in the invasion of Puerto Rico during the Spanish-American War and later became the island's governor.
His statue in Louisville came under attack and has been removed to be placed by his grave at Cave Hill Cemetery.
MERIWETHER LEWIS CLARK: (1846-1899) With a name like that, he'd have to be related to somebody famous. Actually, he was the grandson of famed explored William Clark. (Wonder where he got the names Meriwether Lewis?)
Also, he established the Louisville Jockey Club, now known as Churchill Downs and created the Kentucky Derby race.
--Old Secesh
Monday, July 18, 2022
RoadTripping with Charles Champion Gilbert to Cave Hill Cemetery in Louisville--Part 1: Ali and Clark
Back to the McHenry County Civil War Round Table discussion group meeting from October 23, 2021. This is where all the Gilbert posts from the past month have come from.
He is buried at Cave Hill Cemetery in Louisville, Kentucky. A glance at some of the other people buried there shows quite a few folks of interest.
Some of the burials:
MUHAMMAD ALI (1942-2016) Heavy weight boxer.
HENRY ATKINSON (1782-1842) Officer in War of 1812. Later commanded U.S. forces in the Black Hawk War.
GEORGE ROGERS CLARK (1752-1818) Ranking U.S.officer in the Old Northwest during American Revolution. Noted for captures of Kaskaskia and Vincennes.
ALBERT FINK (1827-1897) Major railroad man.
--Old Secesh
Friday, July 15, 2022
Roadtripping with Samuel A. Gilbert-- Part 3: Politicians and Brigadier Generals
** ELEAZER ARTHUR PAINE 1815-1882): Graduated from West Point in 1839. Colonel of 9th Illinois Infantry. Commanded 4th Division of Army of Mississippi at battles of Corinth, Island No. 10 and Fort Pillow. Placed in command of District of West Kentucky and deployed his corps to protect railroads from Confederate raiders from 1862 to 1864.
Formally reprimanded for brutality toward citizens and violating their civil rights, he resigned in November 1864. After the war was a lawyer.
** SAMUEL D. PHILLIPS (1845-1915): Indian Campaigns Medal of Honor recipient as member of 2nd U.S. Cavalry. Received it for action at Muddy Creek, Montana.
** Quite a few Union brigadier generals and Minnesota politicians.
** JOHN BENJAMIN SANBORN (1826-1904): Brigadier General. Led troops at Battles of Iuka Corinth and Vicksburg. After war sent to western frontier to subdue hostile Indians and attempted mediation of difficulties between Indians of Indian Territory and their former slaves who had been freed by the 13th Amendment.
--Old Secesh
Tuesday, July 12, 2022
This Month in the Civil War-- Part 2
Continuedfrom July 1.
From the American Battlefield Trust 2022 calendat.
JULY 11, 1864
** Battle of Fort Stevens. Confederates fail to capture Washington, D.C.
JULY 13, 1863
** Riots erupt in New York City in protest of the draft.
JULY 18,1863
** The 54th Massachusetts attacks Fort Wagner near Charleston, South Carolina.
JULY 18, 1864
** Battle of Cool Spring, Virginia.
JULY 21, 1861
** First Battle of Manassas, Virginia.
JULY 22, 1862
** President Lincoln presents to Emancipation Proclamation to his Cabinet.
JULY 22, 1864
** Battle of Atlanta, Georgia.
JULY 24, 1864
** Second Battle of Kernstown, Virginia.
JULY 28, 1864
** Battle of Ezra Church, Georgia.
JULY 30, 1864
Battle of the Crater at Petersburg, Virginia.
--Old Secesh
Monday, July 11, 2022
MCCWRT Meeting Today Talk Will Be Mysteries of the Hunley
The McHenry County (Illinois) Civil War Round Table will be having our monthly meeting tomorrow at the Woodstock Public Library in that town.
The topic will be of great interest to me because it is on the Hunley. I'm really into all things naval during the war.
The speaker is Bruce Allardice and the subject is "Mysteries of the Hunley."
It will be in person or via Zoom (and we're slowly getting better at that).
Some of us will be getting together for a pre-presentation meal or snack at 3 Brothers Cafe on Il. Highway 47 in Woodstock at 5:30.
The meeting starts at 7 pm.
Everyone welcome, even non-members. Just an interest in the war is all you need.
--Old Secesh
Saturday, July 9, 2022
RoadTrippin' with Samuel A. Gilbert-- Part 2: A Route 66 Connection and Indian Wars
Since he was buried in this cemetery, we'll be taking a sroadtrip to see some othersof interest buried there.
Architect, interior designer credited as "The Architect of the Southwest" for her designs that incorporated Spanish and Indian influences with contemporary designs.
She worked with the Fred Harvey Company and completed 21 projects for them and the Santa Fe Railroad. Also designed the Navajo Hotel in Gallup, New Mexico, in 1923 and the La Posada Hotel in Winslow, Arizona, in 1929.
This is of special interest to Route 66 fans.
Indian Campaigns Medal of Honor recipient. Awarded it as a member of Co. E, 7th U.S. Cavalry for action at Wounded Knee in December 1890. His father, SAMUEL JAMES RENWICK McMILLAN (1826-1897)) is also buried there. His father was a 2nd lieutenant with the Stillwater Guards in the Dakota Wars in 1862.
Of interest, I already have written about Samuel's brother, Charles, who was a Union general as well, whose daughter Isabel married John Chowning Gesham who was also in the 7th Cavalry and received a Medal of Honor at Wounded Knee.
** Quite a few Civil War brigadier generals are also buried at Oakland Cemetery.
Friday, July 8, 2022
RoadTrippin' with Samuel A. Gilbert: Oakland Cemetery in St. Paul, Minnesota-- Part 1
When I RoadTrip, one of the things I check out is to see in any persons of particular interest are buried where that person is. I have been doing that lately in my Running the Blockade: Civil War Navy blog for the inventor of the revolving turret, Theodore Timby.
Samuel A. Gilbert is buried at Oakland Cemetery in St. Paul, Minnesota. Others buried there:
JAMES ALLEN-- Civil War Medal of Honor recipient. Member of 16th New York Infantry at Battle of South Mountain on September 14, 1862, he tricked 14 Confederates of the 14th Georgia into surrendering to him when he was alone. (An interesting story) One of four 16th NY soldiers receiving Medals of Honor during the war.
JOSEPH BURGER-- Civil War Medal of Honor recipient. Member of 2nd Minnesota Infantry. Received medal for action on February 15, 1863, at Nolensville,Tennessee. One of 16 men who heroically defended a wagon train against an attack by 125 cavalry men. His grandson was U.S. Supreme Court justice Warren Burger.
--Old Secesh
Thursday, July 7, 2022
Samuel A. Gilbert
From Find-A-Grave.
BORN: 15 August 1825, Zanesville, Ohio
DIED: 9 June 1868 (aged 42), Saint Paul, Minnesota.
BURIED: Oakland Cemetery, Saint Paul, Minnesota.
His father was a lawyer in Zanesville, Ohio, who went on to become a prominent banker there.
His son, Cass Gilbert was a noted North American architect called "The Skyscraper Pioneer" Designed the Woolworth Buiding, the tallest skyscraper at the time.
--Old Secesh
Tuesday, July 5, 2022
Resolution for Samuel A. Gilbert-- Part 2: A Coast Survey Resolution
At a meeting of the assistants (of the U.S. Coast Survey), present in Washington, on the 19th of June, 1868, the following resolutions were adopted:
"Whereas information has reached us of the death, at St. Paul, Minnesota, on the 9th instant, of our friend and associate, Brevet Brigadier General Samuel A. Gilbert, assistant in the Coast Survey
"Resolved, That the officers of the Coast Survey learn with profound grief and sensibility of the removal from among them, by death, one whose high qualities had impressed themselves on all who became associated with him, and whom they equally loved and respected.
"Resolved, That they recognized in their late associate the possession of those emminent abilities which are sure to lead to distinction, whether displayed in scientific pursuits or in military life. He possessed sound discretion and judgement, combined with vigor and energy in action.
"Setting his aims high, he was only satisfied when he attained his own ideal. He combined in an eminent degree gentleness with courage, modesty with knowledge, and self control with enthusiasm. He gave his services as a military officer to the country during the late war, with the same ardor and vigorous ability which had marked his civil career, and won merited distinction.
"Resolved, That the Superintendent of the Coast Survey be respectfully requested to cause a copy of these resolutions to be placed upon the records of the Coast Survey, in token of our appreciation of the merits of our late valued associate, and to communicate these proceedings to his family."
High Words of Praise. --Old Secesh
Monday, July 4, 2022
Ten Civil War Generals Who Were Famous for Something Else-- Part 2
6. James A. Garfield (Union)-- 20th President of United States. Defeated fellow Union General Winfield Scott Hancock in 1880 election. Shot while in office. Died at hands of his physicians.
5. John C. Breckenridge (Confederate)-- Vice President of U.S. before the war.
4. George B. McClellan (Union)-- Lost to Abraham Lincoln for president in 1864. Governor of New Jersey after the war.
3. Stand Watie (Confederate)-- Last Confederate general to surrender. Was a Cherokee Indian.
2. George Crook (Union)-- Made quite a name for himself after the war fighting Indians out West. Involved with Custer's Last Stand and fighting Geronimo.
1. Leonidas Polk (Confederate)-- Episcopal priest and bishop. Killed in the Atlanta Campaign.
--Old Secesh
Sunday, July 3, 2022
Ten Civil War Generals Who Were Famous for Other Things-- Part 1
From the June 29, 2022, ListVerse by David Williams.
They achieved something more than just "being" a general. Interesting list. I am just doing the names and what else they did. For more information, go to the site. Pictures as well.
10. Lewis Wallace (Union)-- Wrote "Ben-Hur: A Tale of the Christ."
9. Lawrence Sullivan Ross (Confederate)-- As sheriff of Waco, Texas, arrested 700 outlaws, was governor and saved Texas A&M.
8. Jefferson Columbus Davis (Union)-- Besides having the same name (except middle) as the Confederate president, killed another Union General but not prosecuted.
7. Benjamin McCullough (Confederate)-- Friend of Davy Crockett. Fought for Texas independence. Killed at Battle of Pea Ridge in 1862.
--Old Secesh
Friday, July 1, 2022
This Month in the Civil War, July: Gettysburg, Vicksburg, Executions and Monocacy
From the American Battlefield Trust July 2022 calendar.
JULY 1, 1862
** Battle of Malvern Hill, Virginia
JULY 1, 1863
** Battle of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, begins
JULY 3, 1863
** Battle of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, concludes with Pickett's Charge.
JULY 4, 1863
** Confederates surrender Vicksburg, Mississippi.
JULY 7, 1865
** Conspirators in the assassination of Lincoln executed.
JULY 9, 1863
** Surrender of Port Hudson, Louisiana.
JULY 9, 1864
Battle of Monocacy, Maryland.
--Old Secesh