The Battle of Fort Fisher, N.C.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Frying Pan Light Tower

Frying Pan Shoals was a major reason the Union fleet had such difficulty blockading Wilmington during the Civil War. Its length and treacherous waters caused the fleet to have to cover a huge tract of water, and then there were the two entrances to the Cape Fear River.

For many years after the war, a lightship marked the shoals location, but then it was replaced by a light tower which was recently auctioned off, and then the deal fell through.

The tower consists of 5,000 square feet of living space and world-class fishing, but years of exposure have seriously rusted the structure and there is a problem with lead paint. Plus, it is 35 miles from land and difficult to visit. It will take many thousands of dollars to make habitable.

Two groups known as 'hunley" and "big gun" had a bidding war. It was speculated that "hunley" was the National Underwater Marine Agency group headed by Clive Cusler, the man given credit for finding the Confederate submarine Hunley. and that they might want it for a base for underwater wreck research.

Bidding started at $10,000 and got to $515,000 before being won by Lee Spence in March. But in April, the deal fell through.

Oh, Give Me a Home Where the Fishies Do Roam. --B-R'er