The Battle of Fort Fisher, N.C.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Civil War Deaths

From the April 19th Civil War Gazette "Casualties in the Civil War."

Historians know that at least 620,000 Americans on both sides died during the Civil War.  Recently studies have put the number as high as 750,000.  The exact number will never be known.

The Gazette came up with some interesting stats on the deaths, on average:

**  At least 500 lost their lives every day, 21 an hour, 1 every 3 minutes.

**  Every six days, the equivalent of those lost on 9-11 died, for a total of 245 9-11s during the course of the war.

**  At the typical battle, between 1-2% of those engaged would die.

**  At the November 30, 1864, Battle of Franklin, almost 2,000 were killed in five hours.

Some Striking Numbers.  --Old Secesh

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