The Battle of Fort Fisher, N.C.

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Clark's Regimental Histories-- Part 1

From the Encyclopedia of North Carolina.

The popular title of a 5-volume "Histories of the Several Regiments and battalions from North Carolina in the Great War 1861-1865" Edited by Walter Clark and published by the state in 1910.

In October 1894, the North Carolina Confederate Veterans Association in Raleigh that there should be a history of every regiment and organization that served in the Confederacy.  This was 30 years after the war, but men from every group were found to work on the assignment.

The only group who were not represented were the Senior Reserves, who would have been 45+ during the war and quite old, id still alive by 1894.

The NC General Assembly of 1899 provided funds for the project, but those who prepared the regimental histories received no compensation.

As histories were submitted to Clark and his advisers, they were reviewed and then submitted to newspapers in the communities from which the unit was organized.  This gave veterans and locals the opportunity for revision.

More to Come.  Old Secesh

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