The Battle of Fort Fisher, N.C.

Saturday, August 9, 2014

Old Capitol Prison-- Part 3

During the war, the Old Capitol prison as it was now called, was expanded to include the adjoining row of houses called Duff Green's Row.  Famous inmates included spies Rose Greenhow, Belle Boyd, John Mosby and Henry Wirz, commander of Andersonville, who was hanged in the yard of the prison.  There were many hangings at the Old Capitol Prison.

The Lincoln Conspirators were held there, including Dr. Samuel Mudd, Mary Surratt, Louis Weichmann and John T. Ford, owner of Ford's Theater.

It was sold in 1867 to George T. Brown, then sergeant-at-arms of the U.S. senate.  he modified it into three row houses that became known as Trumbull's Row.  In the 20th century, it was used as the headquarters of the National Woman's party.

In 1929, the site was obtained by eminent domain and razed in order to build the U.S. Supreme Court Building.

--Old Secesh

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