This blog grew out of my "Down Da Road I Go Blog," which was originally to be about stuff I was interested in, music and what I was doing. There was so much history and Civil War entries, I spun two more off. Starting Jan. 1, 2012, I will be spinning a Naval blog off this one called "Running the Blockade."

The Battle of Fort Fisher, N.C.
Friday, August 31, 2018
Captain Bachman's Accoutrements-- Part 2: Paper Shortages in Confederacy in 1861
Bachman's note was written on a fragment of a document from the North Eastern Railroad depository, and much of that has been crossed out and written over. This shows that even at this early date the Confederacy was already having shortages.
Well, either that or possibly Captain Bachman did not have paper handy and grabbed the document.
Of Interest. Old Secesh
Thursday, August 30, 2018
The Battles of the German Light Artillery
From Research Online
Seven Days Battles, Virginia 25 June-1 July 1862
2nd Manassas, Virginia 28-30 August 1862
South Mountain, Maryland 14 September 1862
Sharpsburg, Maryland 17 September 1861
Fredericksburg, Virginia 13 December 1862
Gettysburg, Pennsylvania 1-3 July 1863
Tullifinny Station 9 December 1864 Actually the Battle of Tulifinny Creek
Carolinas Campaign South Carolina and North Carolina February to April 1865
--Old Secesh
Capt. Bachman Receives Accoutrements in Good Order-- Part 1
From the August 17, 2015, Cowan's Auctions site.
The note of receipt from Captain William K. Bachman for accoutrements received in 1861 from Charleston Arsenal's Captain Frederick L. Childs.
Avery short note on a scrap of paper that the auction house expected to go for between $500 and $800 but went unsold.
William K. Bachman (1830-1901), Captain and commander of the German Light Artillery dated Charleston, S.C., August 31, 1861.
"Received in good order from Captain Lee A.Q.M. at Hamstead
Captain W.K. Bachman / German Volunteer
One box Accoutrements
Wm. K. Bachman"
--Old Secesh
Wednesday, August 29, 2018
Bachman's German Artillery, Gettysburg-- Part 2: Hood's Division, First Corps ANV
Captain William Bachman's Battery was commanded at the Battle of Gettysburg by Major Mathias Winston Henry (1838-1877). Henry's Battalion was part of Hood's Division in the First Corps of the Army of Northern Virginia.
This battery was commanded by Captain William K. Bachman who was the son of the prominent pastor of Charleston's St. John's Lutheran Church, Dr. John Bachman.
The unit was formed in 1862 and was also known as the German Light Artillery and as the Charleston Artillery Battery. From August 1862 to July 1863 it was armed with four 12-pounder Napoleon cannons. On May 3, 1864, it was armed with two 3+ inch Blakely Rifles and two 12-pdr. howitzers.
It was surrendered by Confederate General Joseph Johnston at Durham Station, North Carolina (Bennett Place) on April 26, 1865.
--Old Secesh
Tuesday, August 28, 2018
Bachman's German Artillery, Battle of Gettysburg Marker-- Part 1
From Waymarking.
This is one of 100 tablets marking positions of batteries and brigades around the Gettysburg battlefield. It marks the position of the battery from July 2-4 and gives what the battery did during the battle.
It reads:
Army of Northern Virginia
Longstreet's Corps, Hood's Division
Henry's Battalion Bachman's Battery
The German Artillery
Four Napoleons
July 2 In reserve near here but not engaged
July 3 In position here and actively engaged in firing upon the Union lines within range. At about 5 p,m. aided in repulsing cavalry under Brig. Gen. Farnsworth which had charged into the valley between this point and Round Top.
July 4 Occupied position near by and west of this until 6 p.m. Then withdrew from the field.
--Old Secesh
Wednesday, August 22, 2018
German Light Artillery With General Hardee 31 January 1865
As the Confederacy was desperately trying to scratch up a force to face Sherman's March Through the Carolinas, Charleston's German Light Artillery found itself with Lt. General William J. Hardee, who commanded what was left of the Department of South Carolina, Georgia and Florida on 31 January 1865.
Their posting:
Wright's Division under Major General Ambrose R. Wright
Mercer's Brigade under Which also had 4 units of Senior reserves
German Artillery under Captain William K. Bachman
--Old Secesh
Tuesday, August 21, 2018
German Light Artillery-- Part 2: Defense of Savannad, Carolinas Campaign and Bennett Place
From the National Park Service Battle Unit Details
I also imagine this unit was made up of a lot of men of German descent.
The German Light Artillery (also called the Charleston German Artillery) completed its organization in the spring of 1862. The unit moved to Virginia, served in B.W. Frobel's and M.W. Henry's Battalion of Artillery, and fought with the Army of Northern Virginia from the Seven Days' Battles to Gettysburg, except when it was with Longstreet at Suffolk.
During October 1863 it was ordered to to South Carolina and later participated in the defense of Savannah before returning to South Carolina.
It reported seven casualties during the Seven Days' Battles, had two killed and two wounded in the Maryland Campaign and took 71 men to Gettysburg.
The company had 94 men at Charleston in April 1864, was refitted after being in Georgia and during April 1865, Captain William K. Bachman was in command. They surrendered with Johnston at Bennett Place, North Carolina.
William K. Bachman commanded the unit for the whole war.
--Old Secesh
The Shame of UNC- Chapel Hill: The Desecration of "Silent Sam"
What occurred last night on the campus of the University of North Carolina- Chapel Hill was nothing less than a hate crime, and, as at Durham and Duke University after Charlottesville, police stood by and did nothing to stop the desecration of a piece of history.
The statue of "Silent Sam", as he has been called for decades, had stood for over 100 years, dedicated in 1913 to the memory of UNC students who gave their lives for the Confederacy and all those who fought for it. That is school history.
Those students and non-student agitators should be expelled from the school for destruction of property and arrested and brought to trial for hate crimes. But, I am sure, like at Durham, nothing will be done. And, in these days of smart phones, I am sure there is plenty of evidence of those who are guilty of it.
Well, At Least the Left Will No Longer Be Able to "Vandalize" It Anymore. That "Vandalizing" Is Actually A Hate Crime." --Old Secesh
The Confederate German Light Artillery-- Part 1: With Army of Northern Virginia Seven Days Battles to Gettysburg
In the last post I wrote about Captain Childs delivering infantry accoutrements to this outfit.
The unit was formed in early 1862 in Charleston, S.C.. Captain William K. Bachman was its commander It was armed with four 12-pounder Napoleon cannons from August 1862 to July 1863. On May 3, 1864, it was armed with two Blakely Rifles and two 12-pounder howitzers.
This unit served in the Seven Days Battles, Second Manassas (Second Bull Run), Sharpsburg (Antietam), Fredericksburg, and Gettysburg. It then returned to South Carolina. It was later in the Carolinas Campaign and surrendered with General Joseph Johnston at Durham Station in North Carolina on April 25, 1865.
Some Heavy Fighting. --Old Secesh
Frederick L. Childs-- Part 6: A Letter from the Captain
From the Bid Square site.
It was in Lot 82 of the auction with an estimate of $500-$700. Highest bid was $250 and it was unsold.
The letter was written by Captain Childs on September 3, 1861, while in command of the Charleston Armory and went to Captain W.K. Bachman of the Charleston Artillery Battery and the German Light Artillery.
"Charleston Arsenal SC
September 3, 1861
I have the honor to hand you herewith invoice of one box of containing one hundred sets of Infantry Accoutrements, turned over to Captain Hudson Lee A.Q.M. On the 30th alto for transmittal to your address. Upon the delivery of the articles be good enough to send me duplicate receipts.
I am sir
Your Obdt. Servt.
F.L. Childs Capt. Con Arty.
Capt. W.K. Bachman German Volunteers"
Monday, August 20, 2018
Frederick L. Childs-- Part 5: After the War
After the war:
1866-1870-- Farmer
1870-1878-- Purser New York and Charleston Steamship Company
1878-1886-- Civil Engineer in the service of the United States
1886-1889-- Inspector of Customs, U.S. Treasury Department
--Old Secesh
Frederick L. Childs-- Part 4: Service in the Confederate Army
March 4, 1861-- Resigned from U.S. Army
March 16, 1861-- Joined Confederate Army and appointed captain of artillery. Prepared North Carolina coast defenses under William H.C. Whiting.
July 1861-- Commanded Charleston Arsenal
November 1862-- Promoted to major
February 1863-- Augusta Arsenal
November 19, 1863--- Commanded Fayetteville Arsenal in North Carolina and was promoted to lieutenant colonel
An Arsenal Buy. --Old Secesh
Saturday, August 18, 2018
Civil War II-- 616: So You Think The New War Is Over
From Google Alerts of August 10, 2018.
It was brought up at panel discussion this past Tuesday at the McHenry County Civil War Round Table meeting in Woodstock, Illinois, that some of the members thought these anti-all-things-Confederate attacks were somewhat over because they weren't seeing much about it in the newspapers or on TV.
I told them the attacks weren't over. Thank goodness, we have had no more Charlottesvilles, but, believe me, the attacks are in no way over.
Here are some headlines from the Google Alerts for August 10:
** Charlottesville remains ground zero for Confederate statue debate.
** History shared but unreconciled at Tuskegee Confederate statue.
** Erasing bigotry not history: Where will those controversial statues end up? This takes place in Louisville, Ky., where they have recently taken down the statues of John B. Castleman (a Confederate soldier) and George B. Prentice (anti-Catholic and anti-immigration editor of the Louisville Journal)
** Official wants new name for Confederate Avenue. (Atlanta, Georgia)
** Confederate symbols will always be part of our national conversation. (Baltimore, Letter to the Editor.
It Goes On. --Old Secesh
Friday, August 17, 2018
Frederick L. Childs-- Part 3: Service in U.S. Army 1855 to 1861
From Find-A-Grave.
Graduate of USMA at West Point, Class of 1855 #9.Brevet 2nd Lieut. Artillery, July 1, 1855.
Served garrison duty Fort Monroe, Va., 1855-1856
In Florida (2nd Lieut. 1st Artillery) hostilities against the Seminole Indians 1856-1857
Assistant Professor of Geography, History and ethics Sept 14, 1857 to Jan. 31, 1859
Garrison duty at Fort Moultrie, South Carolina, 1859
Frontier duty at Fort Clark, Texas, and Fort Duncan, Texas, 1859-1860
On leave of absence 1861
--Old Secesh
Fort Monroe,
Seminole War,
West Point
Thursday, August 16, 2018
Frederick L. Childs-- Part 2: Father Was War of 1812 Veteran
From Find-A-Grave
Frederick Lynn Childs
Born May 15, 1831, in Maine Died June 10, 1894, age 63 Stateburg, South Carolina.
Buried at Church of the Holy Cross Cemetery, Stateburg, S.C..
(Dr. Joel Roberts Poinsett (1779-1851) is also buried here. He was a U.S. Congressman, cabinet member, diplomat and introduced the plant now called poinsettia to U.S. which was named in his honor.)
Frederick L. Childs was the son of West Point graduate Thomas Wells Childs, who fought in the War of 1812, Seminole Wars and Mexican War and was brevetted to brigadier general.
--Old Secesh
Frederick L. Childs,
Mexican War,
Seminole War,
West Point
Lt.Col. Frederick L. Childs--Part 1: West Point Class of 1855
Wikipedia List of Regular Army Confederate Officers.
Captain ACSA Lieutenant Colonel PACS Last Unit served 2nd N.C. Local Defense Troops
ACSA-- Army of the Confederate States of America
PACS--Provisional Army of the Confederate States
Civil War in the East site.
West Point Officers Officers in the Civil War-- Class of 1855
Frederick L. Childs #9 in class, Lieutenant Colonel.
31 members of the Class of 1855 (out of 34) served in the Civil War. Seven served in the Confederate Army.
Some other notables in the West Point Class of 1855.
Cyrus B. Comstock #1 Captain, engineers
David McMurtrie Gregg #8 Brigadier General
William Babcock Hazen #28 Major General
Godfrey Weitzel #2 Major General He was at the First Battle of Fort Fisher.
--Old Secesh
Tuesday, August 14, 2018
Defense of Fayetteville Arsenal-- Part 3: Not Enough Men To Defend
On February 22, 1865, Frederick Childs wrote Bragg asking what he should do. Childs feared a Union advance up the Cape Fear River and Sherman was getting closer.
Bragg responded: "the enemy's superior force will, I fear, enable him to send a detachment against you, which can only be met with your resources." In other words, you'll get no help.
On February 23, Childs sent a message to Bragg saying that he had, at most, 250 men to stop an enemy attack, the others of his 500-man force were on duty in other parts of the state.. However, he might be able to scrounge up another 100 or 200 reinforcements at the last minute.
Childs chose to evacuate the arsenal. Sherman captured Fayetteville on March 11, 1865.
--Old Secesh
Defense of Fayetteville and the Arsenal-- Part 2: Earthworks and More Companies
Lt.Col. Ferederick L. Childs appealed to the planters of the Fayetteville area to supply 50 to 75 slaves to build earthworks and he directed their construction along the main roads to Fayetteville.
In September 1863, he received authorization to raise Companies C, D and E for the purpose of local defense. In 1864, the battalion was further expanded by Co. F, which was a mounted unit (so he had his cavalry). Then came Co. G which was detailed for light duty.
With these additional companies the 2nd Battalion, or "Arsenal Guards" as they were known, had seven companies with about 500 men.
However, now, in February 1865, Col. Childs was being threatened by two superior Union armies, Schofield from Wilmington and Sherman coming north from South Carolina.
Five hundred men just wasn't going to be enough.
--Old Secesh
Monday, August 13, 2018
MCCWRT Meeting Tuesday: Panel Discussion August 14
This Tuesday, August 14, the McHenry County Civil War Round Table will have its monthly meeting at the Woodstock Public Library in Woodstock, Illinois.
The meeting starts at 7 p.m. and goes to 9. This month's topic is a Panel Discussion. Not quite sure what that is, but imagine you bring something up and folks will talk about it. I'm thinking about what we think about the attacks on the Sons of Confederate Veterans and United Daughters of the Confederacy.
I know the members of the Sons of Union veterans of the Civil War that I have talked to do not agree with these attacks. It will be interesting to see what a Civil War Round Table thinks.
Anyway, a group of the people attending will be gathering for dinner at 5:30 at Three Brothers Restaurant on Illinois Highway 47. All welcome there as well.
SCV and UDC: Hate Groups or Historical Groups. --Old Secesh
Defense of Fayetteville and the Arsenal-- Part 1: Wilmington Evacuation Puts Fayetteville a Major Target
From Civil War North Carolina by Wade Sokolosky.
Braxton Bragg's withdrawal from Wilmington, N.C. on Feb. 21, 1865, made Fayetteville an even bigger target with the link between the two cities with the Cape Fear River.
Bragg was well aware of the straits Fayetteville was in and advised Lt.Col. Frederick L. Childs, in command at the arsenal to evacuate his "most valuable stores, especially ammunition for small arms." and procure wagons to transport them to the nearest rail depot. They would be needed for the defense of North Carolina.
Childs had worried about a Union attack since he assumed command at the arsenal in 1863. At first, he feared an attack by cavalry from Union-held New Bern. When he first arrived, he noticed there were no prepared defensive works to protect the city. Also, his force at the arsenal had no cavalry to warn him of approaching enemy forces.
--Old Secesh
Saturday, August 11, 2018
Mr. "Murder By Temporary Insanity" Dan Sickles-- Part 2
"Still, Sickles' lawyers felt they needed more and argued that he was so upset that 'his mind had become diseased.' When the judge instructed the jury before deliberations, he validated the defense's novel argument by telling them they could consider the question of insanity at the moment the crime was committed.
"The jury acquitted Sickles in just 70 minutes."
Was he temporarily insane at Gettysburg?
The Devil Made Me Do It!! --Old InsaneSesh
Friday, August 10, 2018
Dan Sickles and 'Murder Temporary Insanity'-- Part 1: Killed the Son of Francis Scott Key
From the July 1, 2018, Chicago Tribune "10 things you might not know about EXCUSES" by Mark Jacobson and Stephan Benzkofer.
What with Roseanne Barr's excuse for the tweet, let's go back to the Civil War and our favorite political general, Dan Sickles, who used it before the Civil War started.
"It may come as no surprise that the first person in the U.S. to successfully plead not guilty to murder because of temporary insanity was a U.S. congressman.
"In 1858, Dan Sickles, who would go on to play a notorious role for the North at Gettysburg, discovered his wife was having an affair with Philip Barton Key, the Washington, D.C., district attorney and son of Francis Scott Key.
"Purportedly in an unthinkable rage, Sickles went looking the next day for Key, found him in Lafayette Square across the street from the White House and killed him in broad daylight. Public sentiment was strong for Sickles, seeing that the murder of a wife's lover as being justified, so his chances at acquittal looked good."
And What Did He Plead? --Old Secsane
Battle of Gettysburg,
Dan Sickles,
Thursday, August 9, 2018
The Fayetteville Arsenal-- Part 7: 10,000 Rifles and 900,000 Rounds of Ammunition
From Waymarking. From a Civil War Trails marker.
The U.S. Arsenal at Fayetteville, N.C. was constructed between 1838 and 1853, but the facility lacked equipment until 1857. Before it could be used, the Civil War began and it was seized by state militia. In June 1861, the state turned it over to the Confederacy.
Workers converted 36,000 flintlock muskets to percussion cap weapons and installed machinery captured at Harpers Ferry, in present-day West Virginia. The arsenal produced about 10,000 rifles and assembled a few pistol carbines.
But its greatest contribution to the Confederacy was the more than 900,000 rounds of small arms ammunition, signal rockets and friction primers assembled by women workers.
--Old Secesh
Fayetteville Arsenal,
Fayetteville NC,
The Fayetteville Arsenal-- Part 6: Not Much Remains
From Wikipedia.
Besides the leveling of the Fayetteville Arsenal near the end of the Civil War, even more of the site was destroyed by the construction of a road that went in in 1988.
One partial frame outbuilding remains and a historical marker.. Remnants of the U.S. Arsenal can be seen at the Museum of the Cape Fear Complex.
The foundations of buildings located along the back wall of the arsenal as well as two towers can be seen in a park located behind the museum.
The Fayetteville Arsenal was listed on the NRHP in 1983.
The site is going to be turned into the North Carolina Civil War and Reconstruction Museum.
--Old Secesh
Wednesday, August 8, 2018
Col. Frederick L. Childs, Cmdr. of the Fayetteville Arsenal
According to Civil War Net, he was a West Point graduate who later served in the Confederate Army.
The Class of 1855 West Point site: Frederick L. Childs: #1685. Born Missouri, appointed at large. He was #9 in the Class of 1855 which had 38 members. Captain of Artillery March 11, 1861.
Served under Confederate Gen. Whiting preparing the defenses of the North Carolina coast in the Civil War. Commanded the Charleston Arsenal July 1861.
Appointed Major Artillery November 1862. Then at the Augusta Arsenal Feb. 1863. In charge of the Fayetteville Arsenal from November 19, 1863, to capture of it by Sherman's Army. Lt. Col.
--Old Secesh
The Fayetteville Arsenal-- Part 5: Rifle Production
From th Civil War North Carolina site by Wade Sokolosky.
Aftr seizure of the Fayetteville Arsenal in 1861, North Carolina used it for the manufacture of infantry ammunition and accoutrements. When the captured machinery from the Harpers Ferry Arsenal was moved to Fayetteville, it began the manufacture of rifles.
Throughout the war, the capacity of the Fayetteville Arsenal increased and by 1865 it consisted of several foundries, machine shops and other facilities for the Confederate war effort.
By January 1865, the arsenal was at full capacity, but war time shortages of raw materials and isolation from the state's main rail lines limited its production.
When Sherman's army arrived in March 1865, Union troops totally destroyed it and today, only portions of the foundations of its walls remain.
--Old Secesh
Tuesday, August 7, 2018
The Fayetteville Arsenal-- Part 4: Destruction of the Arsenal
Col. Childs' force resisted for a short time but were overwhelmed by Sherman's numbers. Sherman entered Fayetteville March 11, 1865. He took over the arsenal which had been stripped of its arms, munitions and useful machinery before the Confederates retreated.
The Harpers Ferry rifle manufacturing machinery was said to have been hidden in the Egypt Coal Mine, near Sanford, North Carolina.
Continuing with his scorched earth policy and because the arsenal had been supplying the enemy with weapons, Sherman ordered the arsenal razed to the ground. His soldiers used railroad rails as battering rams to knock the buildings down and then set the remains on fire.
As the fire raged, some remaining artillery shells exploded and completed the destruction.
--Old Secesh
Monday, August 6, 2018
The Fayetteville Arsenal-- Part 3: Defending It From Sherman
The principal weapon produced was known as the Fayetteville Rifle. At its peak, the armory produced 500 rifles a month and various numbers of larger ordnance, cartridges, swords and bayonets. Over one hundred workmen from the Harpers Ferry Arsenal relocated to Fayetteville with their families.
In the middle war years, young ladies from the area were employed in the making of cartridges and as clerks.
In 1865, as Union General William Sherman began his Carolinas Campaign, it became apparent to the Confederate commander Col. Frederick L. Childs, that Fayetteville was going to be a major target. When Sherman reached Columbia, S.C., Col. Childs ordered the construction of earthworks for the defense of the Fayetteville area.
Remnants of these earthworks can be seen on the grounds of the Veterans Administration Hospital on Ramsey Street in Fayetteville,.
--Old Secesh
The Fayetteville Arsenal-- Part 2: N.C. Takes Over, Center for Confederate Small Arms
When North Carolina seceded from the Union, Governor Ellis instructed Warren Winslow to bring about, peacefull if possible, the surrender of the arsenal. General Walker Droughon, in command of N.C. militia mobilized the Fayetteville Independent Light Infantry (FILI) under the command of Major Wright Huske, and the LaFayette Light Infantry commanded by Lt. Joseph B. Starr.
These and other troops set the Confederates at around 500 troops.on April 22, 1861. Lt. DeLagnel of the Union forces came out, took a look at the size of the Confederate force and decided it would be fruitless to resist and surrendered. His troops vacated the arsenal on April 22.
Rifle-making machinery from the arsenal at Harpers Ferry were transferred to the Fayetteville Arsenal in October 1861 and this arsenal became a major supplier of small arms to Confederate troops.
--Old Secesh
Saturday, August 4, 2018
The Fayetteville Arsenal-- Part 1: Built in 1838
From Wikipedia.
The Fayetteville Arsenal, in North Carolina, was built in 1838 because during the War of 1812, the U.S. government realized that the existing system of distributing of weapons and ammunition was not adequate for the defense of the entire country.
A program was developed so that no part of the country would be too far away from weapons and supplies of war in case there was a threat.
Bladen County U.S. Representative James McKay introduced House Bill #374 to have an arsenal built at Fayetteville, North Carolina.
The cornerstone was laid on April 9, 1838, It was constructed of brick and stone and at each corner of its massive walls was an octagonal tower. Entry to the arsenal was through massive iron gates. Workshops, quarters and other buildings in the arsenal were constructed of brick and wood.
The Wikipedia article has a nice drawing of the Fayetteville Arsenal at the time Sherman arrived in 1865,
--Old Secesh
Fayetteville Arsenal,
Fayetteville NC,
North Carolina
Friday, August 3, 2018
Digging Up the Fayetteville Arsenal Site
From the July 28, 2019, Fayetteville (NC) Observer "Archaeology unearth Fayetteville history at Arsenal Park" by Paul Woolverton.
And the public can watch it as it happens. Some of the items recovered from the site of the old Fayettevillesenal are a smoking pipe, melted glass, various nails, screws, lots of brick, mortar and sandstone.
The Arsenal Park is now part of the Museum of Cape Fear History complex and eventually the North Carolina Civil War and Reconstruction History center will be built on the site which is why the archaeologists are excavating.
The Fayetteville Arsenal was built in the mid-1800s by the U.S. government to make weapons. Confederates took control in 1861 and constantly expanded the works and made rifles and other weapons of war. When William Sherman's army marched through in 1865, he had everything at the site knocked down and then set the ruins on fire.
--Old Secesh
Thursday, August 2, 2018
August Civil War Trust Calendar: Fort Donelson
FORT DONELSON, Tennessee, 355 acres saved.
One of Tennessee's most storied Civil War sites, the Trust has preserved 355 acres at this key battlefield, including 45 acres whose acquisition was made possible by the state's pioneering Civil War or War Between the States Site Preservation Fund.
Tennessee's program is the first in the nation to guarantee dedicated annual funding for battlefield preservation.
--Old Secesh
Civil War Calendar,
Civil War Trust,
Fort Donelson,
Some More on That Torn Down Kinston Home-- Part 2
The Battle of Wyse Fork is on the NRHP, but the Robert Vause House was privately-owned. by the heirs of Felix Harvey and they had the right to do as they pleased with it. For years, people in Kinston had wanted to do something about the house, but nothing was done and it continued to fall into greater disrepair.
About ten years ago, Felix Harvey had offered to sell the house for $10,000 for anyone willing to move it off his land, but there were no takers.
In 2017, it was considered for NRHP on its own but due to the new siding on the house, deterioration and the roof caving in, it didn't meet requirements.
The House Certainly Had History, Though. --Old Secesh
Some More On the Historic Home Torn Down In Kinston-- Part 1
From the July 22, 2018, Fayetteville (N.C.) Observer "Historic Civil War home in Kinston succumbs to time" Eddie Fitzgerald.
It was old, and once stately, and the home of a lieutenant in the Confederate Army who was killed, the headquarters of a Confederate general and on a battlefield, but it is now gone.
Monday, the Robert Bond Vause House was in a pile of rubble. It sat in the middle of the Wyse Fork Battlefield off Bill Smith Road.
Before and during the early part of the Civil War, the home was owned by Lt. Robert Bond Vause before he was killed at the Battle of Fort Anderson in 1862. This Union fort guarded occupied New Bern, N.C.. It was also the headquarters of Confederate General Robert Ranson Jr. during the battles of Gum Swamp and Dover.
Ransom was dismissed from duty the year before the Battle of Wyse Fork because of illness.
It then stood in the middle of the Battle of Wyse Fork, March 7-10, 1865, also known as the Battle of Kinston or Second Battle of Kinston.
A House With A Lot of History. --Old Secesh
Battle of Wyse Fork,
Fort Anderson,
Kinston NC,
New Bern NC
Wednesday, August 1, 2018
Historic Confederate Home Torn Down in North Carolina
From the July 24, 2018, WDBJ Channel 7, CBS, news.
The home of Lt. Robert Bond Vause, killed at the battle of Fort Anderson in 1862, has been torn down. It was also the headquarters of Confederate General Robert Ranson, Jr..
It was seriously in disrepair and would have cost too much to repair.
It was in the Wyse Fork Battlefield in Kinston and once a candidate for the NRHP but no longer met the requirements.
--Old Secesh
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