The Battle of Fort Fisher, N.C.

Saturday, August 18, 2018

Civil War II-- 616: So You Think The New War Is Over

From Google Alerts of August 10, 2018.

It was brought up at panel discussion this past Tuesday at the McHenry County Civil War Round Table meeting in Woodstock, Illinois, that some of the members thought these anti-all-things-Confederate attacks were somewhat over because they weren't seeing much about it in the newspapers or on TV.

I told them the attacks weren't over.  Thank goodness, we have had no more Charlottesvilles, but, believe me, the attacks are in no way over.

Here are some headlines from the Google Alerts for August 10:

**  Charlottesville remains ground zero for Confederate statue debate.

**  History shared but unreconciled at Tuskegee Confederate statue.

**  Erasing bigotry not history:  Where will those controversial statues end up?  This takes place in Louisville, Ky., where they have recently taken down the statues of John B. Castleman (a Confederate soldier) and George B. Prentice (anti-Catholic and anti-immigration editor of the Louisville Journal)

**  Official wants new name for Confederate Avenue.  (Atlanta, Georgia)

**  Confederate symbols will always be part of our national conversation.  (Baltimore, Letter to the Editor.

It Goes On.  --Old Secesh

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