The Battle of Fort Fisher, N.C.

Monday, July 1, 2019

Threats Over Civil War Days Investigated-- Part 2: Fears for Public Safety

In announcing the cancellation of the Civil War Days re-enactment event, John Tannahill, the Lake County Forest Preserve's chief of ranger police and director of public safety said that reaction to the announcement were very concerning.

He did not respond earlier to a request for his safety concerns

Forest preserves President Angelo Kyle released a statement saying that safety concerns had come up, nothing specific.  "We cancelled it because of the unknowns -- there was potential for (people from) both sides of the issues (showing up), and we don't know their intent, Executive Director Ty Kovach said.

A petition to protest the cancellation on and Civil War re-enactors who participate at the annual event went on social media.

Civil War Days has been held at Lakewood Forest Preserve in Wauconda for 27 years.

The forest preserve president is a black man which probably explains his distaste for the event as Confederates and their flag are at it.

Something Smells Out in Lake County.  --Old Secesh

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