The Battle of Fort Fisher, N.C.

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

'Talks' at the McHenry County Civil War Round Table 2024: 'Last Man Standing'

Earlier this month I listed the presentations that have been and will be given to the Rock River Valley CWRT.

I decided to list the ones at my Civil War Round Table.

JANUARY:  Morgan's Great Raid:  Taking the War to the North--  Dave Mowery

FEBRUARY:  "Last Man Standing" the 20th Indiana--  Chuck Rebesco

MARCH:  Confederate Railroads--  Charlie Banks

APRIL:  Central Florida's Civil War Veterans--  Bob Grenier

MAY:   Charles River Ellet, the Queen of the West and USS Indianola--  Ed Urban

JUNE:  John Brown:  Hero or Terrorist?  Martyr or Madman?--  Bob Pressman

--Old Secesh

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