The Battle of Fort Fisher, N.C.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Dire Straits for Alabama Confederate Flags

The February 5th Montgomery, Alabama, Advertiser reports that the Alabama Department of Archives currently has more than 90, mostly Confederate flags and most in serious need of repair.

"Many of these flags are in need of repair because of bullet holes, burn marks from cannon shot, the bloody men who carried them, and over 140 years' worth of age and handling," said Bob Bradley, the chief curator.

Fourteen have been restored. On Monday, a $6,000 donation was made by the Alabama Division SCV which has over 2000 members. This will cover preservation work on one flag.

I certainly hope that they intend to leave the bullet holes, burns, and blood. Those are hard-earned badges of honor. The way the curator put it was a bit confusing.

Save Those Old Flags. --The Old B-Runner

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