The Battle of Fort Fisher, N.C.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

I Can Defuse that Civil War Shell-- NOT

What was it that mother used to say, "Don't go into the water right after eating. Don't make faces at your sister or it will stick. And Don't mess around with any Civil War shells you find."

Well, Samuel L. White did not pay attention, and he is dead because of it. The Feb. 20th NY Times reports that his body was found in his backyard after an explosion in the Richmond, Virginia area.

A large piece of ordnance flew through the front porch of a house a quarter mile away and 20-30 nearby homes were evacuated.

Mr. White was a Civil War dealer who claims to have cleaned and disarmed about 500 artillery projectiles. His website

A sampling of what he offered:

Confederate 12 pound ball for $275
24 pound solid shot projectile from the Petersburg area
Confederate artillery fuses for $65 to $195 each.

It's That 501st One You Gotta Watch Out For. --Da Old B-R'er

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