The Battle of Fort Fisher, N.C.

Friday, November 28, 2008

Hopkins Stonewalls Dixie

Back on the 25th, I mentioned in Running the Blockade that the annual January SCV and UDC Maryland observance of the Lee-Jackson Birthday at the statues of those two in Baltimore will continue, but not with the usual get-together afterwards at Johns Hopkins University for coffee and refreshments.

Hopkins spokesman Dennis O'Shea said, "We're not legally required to rent rooms to anybody who asks, and in this case we have chosen not to rent a room. We choose not to have the Confederate battle flag carried across our campus, particularly at that time of the year, so very close to the Martin Luther King holiday."

Members of the Confederate groups say they are victims of political correctness. In the past twenty years, there have been no problems using the Johns Hopkins facilities. I'd say a lot of this has to do with the current anti-Confederate movement that primarily revolves around the Confederate battle flag.

To their credit, the January 17th event will still go on as proper city permits were obtained, but, EXTRA EFFORT will be made to ensure that no one steps on Johns Hopkins property. My thoughts are that this degradation might lead to arrest.

From the Baltimore Sun.

Sad to See History Discriminated Against Like This. --Old B-Runner