The Battle of Fort Fisher, N.C.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Running the Blockade: More Old News-- Graves Marked-- $30 Million for Monitor-- Ironworks Demolished

Some Really Old News About an Old War. We're talking about May here.

1. GRAVES MARKED-- Ed and Carla Briggs marked the graves of Confederates, Hamilton Barrow and G.W. Slack, in their hometown of Gibson City, Illinois.

2. $30 Million FOR MONITOR-- The Mariners Museum raised the last of the $30 million needed for the USS Monitor Center.

3. IRONWORKS DEMOLISHED-- And speaking of the USS Monitor, the Rennsselar Ironworks building on Madison Street in Troy, New York was demolished after an arson fire. It had sat vacant since the 1990s.

Mayor Tutunjian wants the turbine saved and hopes for a memorial to the building. During the Civil War, the ironworks produced millions of horseshoes for the Union Army and iron plates for the USS Monitor.

In the 1860s, it became the first factory in the US to use the Bessemer Process that enabled steel to be produced faster and more cheaply. May 27th Albany Times-Union.

So, Now You Know. --Old B'Runner