The Battle of Fort Fisher, N.C.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

How the North Won the Civil War

From the July 29th New Deal 2.0 Blog "How to Win Wars" by Wallace C. Turbeville.

During the Civil War, the Confederacy generally had the better military leaders (Bragg excluded) and Union soldiers had marginally better rifles, but these were not decisive.

The real advantage was the North's economy which produces overwhelming numbers of weapons. It's road and rail networks provided incomparable logistical capability.

Employment opportunities and prospects for freedom attracted hordes of emigrants and former slaves, swelling the Union Army ranks.

Northern shipyards provided the numbers of vessels needed to blockade the Southern ports and shoreline.

Grant and Sherman did not defeat the Confederate Armies with clever tactics, but rather headlong assaults, with no regard for casualties.

I definitely would have to agree with this short, but insightful list of reasons.

It Was the Economy, Stupid. --Old B-Runner

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