The Battle of Fort Fisher, N.C.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Thomas L. Wragg, CSN and Army

I came across the mention of the book "A Confederate Chronicle: The Life of Civil War Survivor" by Pamela Chase Hain, University of Missouri Press.

It concerns Confederate veteran Thomas L. Wragg who served in both the Confederate Army and Navy. he was also captured and held prisoner. Ms. Hain uses his letters to tell the story.

Wragg was wealthy when he left home at age 18 to join the Army and fought at the Battle of Bull Run.

In 1862, he joined the Navy and trained on the CSS Georgia before transferring to the ironclad CSS Atlanta. When that ship was captured, he became a prisoner and was sent to Fort Warren Prison in Boston.

Sounds Like a Very Interesting War Experience. --B-R'er

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