The Battle of Fort Fisher, N.C.

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Sherman's March to the Sea-- Part 13: "We Know What Hole"

Rumors of Sherman's atrocities spread rapidly among those in his path.  Even worse, his exact path was a point of conjecture.  Where exactly was he going.  Most everyone were sure they were in his path.  Making it worse was the fact that his army was moving along in there different columns, cutting a 60-mile wide swath of destruction.

Twice in the last month, I drove through Sherman's hometown of Lancaster, Ohio.  I couldn't help but think what he was up to exactly 150 years ago.

Sherman had cut his telegraph connections when he set off and even Lincoln, when asked what was going on in the march or where it was heading,  would say:  "We know what hole he went in, but we don't know what hole he'll come out."

I imagine there was great relief among Southerners when they found they had been bypassed by "Uncle Billy's" mostly Midwestern army.

--Old Secesh

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