The Battle of Fort Fisher, N.C.

Saturday, May 2, 2015

Bells Ring to Commemorate Lee's Surrender-- Part 2

At 2:15, Thursday (April 9th), descendants of Union soldiers who trained at Camp Douglas, as well as Confederate soldiers held prisoner there, took turns ringing the bell four times to signify each year of the war.

Olivia Mahoney, senior museum curator rang it as well.  She is descended from soldiers on both sides, including several who died at Camp Douglas.

The bell came from the chapel of Camp Douglas, a 60 acre, 200 building facility that was at the heart of present day Bronzeville area in Chicago.  Camp Douglas got its name from Illinois Senator Stephen Douglas, on whose land it was built..

Dawn Griffin-O'Neal also struck the bell as a descendant of a Unioin soldier.

--Old Secesh

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