The Battle of Fort Fisher, N.C.

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Charleston Murderer's Ramifications

As expected, the Charleston killer has set off a national swell against the Confederate Battle Flag (even though it technically never was the Confederate Battle Flag).  I can certainly understand why it has.  For decades, blacks and some whites have clamored to have all Confederate flags removed from not only public places, but every where as it offends them.  I can also understand why they are offended.  I imagine I too would not like the flag if I were black because of the slavery thing.

Sadly, the Confederate Battle Flag has been appropriated by white supremacists and others who hate blacks and constantly throw it in their faces while preaching their hatred.  They also usually have the U.S. flag with them as well, but it is the Confederate flag that blacks see.

Now, that long-contested Confederate flag will have to be removed from the South Carolina statehouse grounds.  This is something I can live with.  I will not even refer to it as a Heritage Attack.  It is something that should be and has to be done.

It should have been at least lowered after the murders, as all Confederate flags flying along interstates.  These murders are a terrible thing that all Americans should be shocked by and come together to work on a solution.

But, flag opponents are not just going to stop there.  They want the flag removed everywhere.  Even if you fly it on private property, that is not acceptable.

Taking the flag away unfortunately will not stop the supremacists  from their hate.

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