The Battle of Fort Fisher, N.C.

Saturday, December 12, 2015

The Confederacy Under Attack-- Part 135: Neighbors Are the Real Racists

From the December 3, 2015, Google Alerts for Confederate.

Consultants propose spending $5.3 million on Confederate Flag display in Relic Room.  (Columbia, S.C.)  (Big Win for their wallets)  This is the flag that was removed from the S.C. state house grounds this past summer.  Ridiculous to want that much money.

Confederate "flaggers" fight for twisted history.  (Loss)  A very anti-Confederate article by Art Cook in People's World.

Neighbors who complained about Massachusetts cop's Confederate Flag are the real racists: residents say.  (Win)  This is regarding the policeman who has a Confederate Flag up in his garage.

--Old Secesh

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