The Battle of Fort Fisher, N.C.

Friday, January 29, 2016

MCCWRT Discussion Group-- Part 5: Ewell's Effectiveness After Wounding and Leg Removal Ended

One person brought up that Richard Ewell's effectiveness as a general ended after he was wounded and lost his leg.   Afterwards, often moved around in a wagon.  His fall from grace began at the Battle of Gettysburg.

We then got into a discussion about seniority in the Confederate Army.  We were also off-subject when there was some question about the Provisional Confederate Army and Navy.  Was this done to clarify seniority issues?

The Provisional Army was before the states seceded.

Reasons for the Battle of Gettysburg:  get supplies from Pennsylvania and Maryland, lure the Union Army into a battle on Lee's terms and relieve pressure on Vicksburg.

Early became a recluse but pushed the "Lost Cause" idea and that Robert E, Lee was the greatest general ever.

There was mention that he had gone to Mexico as part of the proposed Confederate Colony there.

--Old Secesh

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