The Battle of Fort Fisher, N.C.

Friday, April 8, 2016

The Confederacy Under Attack-- Part 235: About That Plaque at the University of Mississippi

The plaque the professors have a problem with currently reads:

"As Confederate veterans were passing from the scene (dying) in increasing numbers, memorial associations built monuments in their memory all across the South.  This statue was dedicated by the citizens of Oxford and Lafayette County in 1906.

"On the evening of September 30, 1962, the statue was a rallying point where a rebellious mob gathered to prevent the admission of the University's first African American student.  It was also at this statue that a local minister implored the mob to disperse and allow James Meredith to exercise his rights as an American citizen.  On the morning after a long night, Meredith was admitted to the University and graduated in 1963.

"This historic structure is a reminder of the University's past and of its current and ongoing commitment to open its hallowed halls to all who seek truth and knowledge and wisdom."

I do not see any problems with what the plaque says.  It sets the monument in its historic perspective.

I might have added that a lot of the school's students fought and died for their new country, so it honors them as well.

What is Wrong With Those "Professors?"  --Old Secesh

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