This blog grew out of my "Down Da Road I Go Blog," which was originally to be about stuff I was interested in, music and what I was doing. There was so much history and Civil War entries, I spun two more off. Starting Jan. 1, 2012, I will be spinning a Naval blog off this one called "Running the Blockade."

The Battle of Fort Fisher, N.C.
Tuesday, October 31, 2017
Civil War Trust 2017 Calendar-- Part 6: Battle of Gettysburg
July 2017
BATTLE OF GETTYSBURG, PA. 1019 acres saved
In the two years between the announcement of the Trust's campaign to acquire Robert E. Lee's Headquarters at Gettysburg and the October 28, 2016, ribbon-cutting event, this four-acre property underwent a dramatic transformation.
Gone are the hotel, swimming pool, parking lit and other signs of development, letting the fully restored historic structure shine.
--Old Secesh
Monday, October 30, 2017
All Sorts of Problems Posting These Blogs
Something seems to be wrong with out internet connection and I am also having big problems getting into my Google Blogspot site. The connecting circle just keeps going round and round.
And sadly, I am supremely technologically challenged in today's pc-speak.
I do not know how I got to post this, but will keep trying to get back.
There could be aserious gap in all my blog posts on all seven blogs.
--Old Secesh
Thursday, October 26, 2017
Civil War II-- 585: More Confederate Symbols Around Dallas Could be Removed
From the September 15, 2017, Google Alerts for Confederate.
** Update: Confederate rally organizers say they don't know how many people to expect Saturday.
** More Confederate symbols around Dallas could be removed. (Loss)
** Confederate monument debate draws passionate crowd, but no special meeting set. (Pensacola, Fla.)
** Missouri had a star on the Confederate Flag.
** Onteora sets ban on Confederate apparel. (New York) at high school) That should also apply to all items of clothing that anyone finds offensive.
--Old Secesh
Wednesday, October 25, 2017
Civil War II-- 584: Who's a Racist?
From the September 15, 2017, Google Alerts for Civil War North Carolina.
** One test to judge which Civil War leaders deserve monuments. The article has a photo of a "vandalized" Confederate monument in Cornelius, N.C.. We all know that is a hate crime.
** Pro-Confederate Republican gets teary-eyed after a constituent calls him a racist. N.C. State Rep. Mike Clampitt (R). Wonder if it was a black person calling him a racist?
Would a Black Person Calling a White Person a Racist Be Considered Racism? --Old Secesh
Civil War-- 583: Who is Confederate General Tilgham
From the September 15, 2017, Google Alerts for Confederate.
** Kentucky city debates moving Confederate statue. (Paducah) Statue of General Lloyd Tilgham.
** Who was Confederate General Lloyd Tilgham? Good one. I'm not sure myself.
** Dallas ISD proposing new process to rename schools. (ISD-- Independent School District) And you know whose names they want removed from the schools. However, in my opinion, should the majority of the students at a particular school be Black, Remove the name. But not if most are White.
** Richmond police to host meeting ahead of demonstration. (Virginia)
** Scott suggests Trump be more careful on racial matters. (Tim Scott is a black S.C. senator). Trump must remember that Blacks are one of two groups WHO MUST NOT BE OFFENDED.
--Old Secesh
Tuesday, October 24, 2017
Woman's Relief Corps
From Wikipedia.
There is some confusion as to whether this is the Women's Relief Corps or Woman's Relief Corps. It is the Woman's Relief Corps.
The Woman's relief Corps (WRC) is an auxiliary to the Grand Army of the republic (GAR) which was an organization made up of members of the Union military during the Civil War. The WRC was established in Denver, Colorado, in 1883 with the express purpose of perpetuating the memory of the GAR.
That has expanded to the veterans of all U.S. wars and the organization still exists.
Everything they did had to be permitted by the GAR and they have always been very involved in Memorial Day observances.
They operate the Grand Army of the Republic Museum in Springfield, Illinois.
--Old Secesh
Monday, October 23, 2017
Woman's Relief Corps Backing Effort in World War II
I recently posted in my Tattooed On Your Soul World War II blog on October 18, 2017, about a member of the Woman's Relief Corps distributing patriotic information to students at Sycamore (Illinois) High School in March 1942. She was a member of the Woman's Relief Corps No. 18.
Her organization was organized in 1883 and was an auxiliary to the Grand Army of the Republic, which was comprised of Union veterans.
--Old Secesh
Civil War II-- 582: Much Discussion at Civil War Round Tables
From the September 14, 2017, Google Alerts for Confederate.
** Trump is right: Confederate memorials should stay.
** Roundtable focusing on battle over Confederate monuments.
** Confederate monuments and civic values in wake of Charlottesville.
--Old Secesh
Sunday, October 22, 2017
About That (s)t. (l)ouis Thang
Liz was not real happy with me yesterday when she remarked while we were driving around (s)t. (l)ouis (small letters because of its shame) that we had not stopped at Ted Drewes for a concrete ice cream. Though I would definitely have wanted one,, I told her the big reason we didn't go is my boycott of that city because they took down the Confederate statue in Forest Park.
When that happened, (s)t. (l)ouis joined the ever expanding list of cities I am boycotting. If you offend me by taking down a Confederate statue, I certainly won'y spend any money in your city. And that is really too bad because I definitely like (s)t. (l)ouis.
On Friday, I liked at the (s)t. (l)ouis newspaper and saw an article saying that so far this year, murders in that city were at 160, up six from the same time a year ago. Perhaps that city should take care of more pressing problems than Confederate statues.
By the way, that Confederate statue that used to be in Forest Park is not considered a suspect in any of the murders, so I guess we can at least be thankful for that.
You Sure Have to Watch Out for Those Racist Confederate Statues. No One Must Be Offended!! --Old Secesh
Saturday, October 21, 2017
Civil War Trust 2017 Calendar-- Part 5: Battle of Brandy Station
June 2017
BRANDY STATION, VA. 2089 acres saved.
With more than 2,000 acres saved forever, more land has been protected at Brandy Station by the Trust than at any other battlefield.
The crowning achievement, however, has been the preservation, restoration and interpretation of the crest of Fleetwood Hill, where the Trust has removed significant modern intrusions and installed walking trails and educational signs.
--Old Secesh
Wednesday, October 18, 2017
Civil War Trust 2017 Calendar-- Part 5: Battle of Chancellorsville
May 2017
CHANCELLORSVILLE, VA. 847 acres saved
From the site of the opening salvos on the First Day at Chancellorsville, to the open field where Stonewall Jackson crashed into the unsuspecting Union flank -- and a handful of troops attempted to stop him at the Bushbeck Line -- the Trust has saved some of the battlefield's most important landscapes from rapidly encroaching development.
Hopefully, there will be better signage by now. Back in the 70s, Liz and I went on a drive to go over Jackson'd flanking movement and got hopelessly lost. We were wondering if we were even still in Virginia.
Talk About Your Wilderness? --Old Secesh
Monday, October 16, 2017
Civil War Trust 2017 Calendar-- Part 4: Battle of Shiloh
April 2017
SHILOH, TENNESSEE 1199 acres saved.
The Trust has transferred approximately 926 acres to Shiloh National Military Park -- including a 491-acre property that represented the largest preservation effort undertaken at Shiloh since the park's creation in 1894.
The anticipated transfer of the trust's 273 acres at Fallen Timbers, the final clash of the Shiloh Campaign, is the focus of boundary expansion legislation pending in Congress.
--Old Secesh
Sunday, October 15, 2017
Civil War Trust 2017 Calendar-- Part 3: Battle of Bentonville
March 2017
BENTONVILLE, N.C. 1785 acres saved
In the last 15 years, the exceptional partnership between the Civil War Trust and the State of North Carolina has managed to permanently protect almost one-third of the land over which raged the largest battle ever fought in the Tar Heel State -- giving Bentonville the Trust's second-greatest tally of protected acreage at a single site.
This battle took place about 15 miles from where I was born in Goldsboro, North Carolina.
--Old Secesh
Thursday, October 12, 2017
Civil War Trust 2017 Calendar-- Part 2: Petersburg Break Through
FEBRUARY Petersburg, Break Through, Va. 407 acres saved.
Petersburg Breatthrough, April 2, 1865, Petersburg National Battlefield, Va.
Beginning in 2012, the Trust has worked to restore the landscape on our Breakthrough property and provide a unified interpretive experience with adjacent land owned by the National park service and Pamplin Historical Park.
We have cleared nonhistoric trees from 160 acres, removed all modern structures -- including one home, three barns, four grain silos and a seven acre hog farm.
--Old Secesh
Wednesday, October 11, 2017
Civil War II-- 581: Poll Finds That Nationally, Most Americans Want Confederate Monuments to Remain
From the September 14, 2017, Google Alerts for Confederate.
** Nationally, majority favors keeping Confederate monuments, poll finds. (Ipsos Poll on Racial Issues) (Win) Conducted August 21 (After Charlottesville) to September 5.
57% want them to remain
26% remove
17% undecided
Blacks are 54% for removal, Whites had 67% for remaining
89% said all races should be treated equally
31% of Americans say we must protect and preserve white European heritage. 31% disagree. 78% say America must protect and preserve its multi-cultural heritage, 5% disagree.55% agree that racial minorities are under attack
39% agree "White people are currently under attack in this country. 38% disagree
The poll covered 5,360 adults online during the survey.
Never Sure About Polls Myself, But Some Interesting Stats. --Old Secesh
Tuesday, October 10, 2017
Civil War II-- 580: Columbus Statue "Vandalized" What Next, the Statue of Liberty?
From the September 14, 2017, Google Alerts for Confederate.
** Supporters, opponents of Georgetown's Confederate statue talk options. (Austin, Texas)
** Charlottesville victim's found on Confederate monument. (Roanoke, Va.) (Loss) It has been painted and press calls it "Vandalism."
** Christopher Columbus statue vandalized in Central Park as debate about Confederate monuments continues. (New York City) (Loss) The mayor to reassess city's monuments to determine if they are appropriate. Like President Trump says, what's next.
Hey France gave us a big old statue out in the harbor. Didn't they do horrible things to the Indians and in building their empire? Maybe that will have to come down.
New York Governor Cuomo is Italian and says that the Columbus statue is of honor to Italians.
I Still Wish They Would Stop Calling It "Vandalizing" and Call It What It Really Is, a HATE CRIME. --Old Secesh
Monday, October 9, 2017
Wisconsin Comes Close to Secession?
The topic of Tuesday's McHenry County Civil War Round Table meeting will be "Hotbed of Secession!! Wisconsin??" given by Jerry Allen.
The newsletter had this to say about the presentation:
Wisconsin Governor Alexander Randall abhorred slavery and was known as a rabid abolitionist (I like this description).
By 1860, anti-slavery feeling in Wisconsin was running high, with the governor's full encouragement.
In March, a member of the Wisconsin legislature introduced a bill to declare war on the United States unless it abolished slavery. (That sure takes secession to another level.) There was a lot of support for this. Agents were sent out to see which state militia companies would support secession as it was possible that Governor Randall would have to call out the militia.
For the rest of the story, come to the meeting. Details are on the previous post in this blog.
By the way, Camp Randall Stadium in Madison, where the University of Wisconsin Badgers play football, is a Civil War camp/prison and named after Alexander Randall.
With a Badger Vent. --Old Secesh
Alexander Randall,
Camp Randall Wis.,
Sunday, October 8, 2017
MCCWRT Meeting Oct. 10: Wisconsin the "Hotbed of Secession!"
This Tuesday, October 10, 2017, the McHenry County Civil War Round Table will hold its October meeting at the Woodstock Public Library in Woodstock, Illinois.
Jerry Allen will present "Hotbed of Secession! Wisconsin?" I know about South Carolina and the other Southern states seceding, but, Wisconsin? Should be interesting.
The library is at 414 Judd Street, just a few blocks off the famous 1850s Woodstock Square and where the famous movie "Groundhog Day" was filmed.
The meeting starts at 7.
See You There. --Old Secesh
Saturday, October 7, 2017
Meanwhile in Chicago, the Murders and Shootings Continue: 414 Blacks Killed So Far in 2017
As horrible as Las Vegas (and now we hear the Vegas murderer had gotten a room in Chicago in a hotel overlooking where the huge Lollapalooza concert took place, but didn't show up) was and the nine killed in Charleston, S.C., in June 2015, these numbers coming up in Chicago are really shocking.
From Hey Jackass, Chicago Mayhem and Murder.
58 killed, 273 wounded
Week to Date 10-1 to 10-7
11 killed, 51 wounded
506 killed, 2427 wounded
Of the 506 killed, 414 were Black In 446 homicides the police have no suspects and just 64 charged. This means that the black community is not cooperating.
Meanwhile, in New Orleans where they took down three Confederate monuments, the death toll, mostly Blacks, stands at 121 so far in 2017.
And, we heard that the Las Vegas murderer (I won't use his name and wish the media wouldn't either) had booked the rooms in the same hotel during a rap concert.
Very Alarming Numbers. --Old Secesh
Mort Kunstler Civil War Events in October
From the Mort Kunstler 2017 Civil War Calendar.
10TH-- 1837 -- Col. Robert Gould Shaw, U.S. born
19TH-- 1864:-- Battle of Cedar Creek
20TH-- 1819-- Gen. Daniel E. Sickles, U.S., born
21ST-- 1861-- Battle of Ball's Bluff
--Old Secesh
Friday, October 6, 2017
Mort Kunstler Calendar for October 2017-- Part 2: The Battle of Fredericksburg
The men from Maine pushed their way over the bodies of their fallen comrades to within a stone's throw from the Confederate lines before they were forced to find cover on the body littered slopes of Marye's Heights.
There they stayed in the bitter cold all night and all day, lying amid the bodies of the dead.
Finally, on the afternoon of the next day, they were recalled for the retreat of the Federal army. It was a harrowing and heartrending exposure to the worst of war for Chamberlain and his men. Yet,they had proven their mettle.
The painting shows men lying prone, loading rifles and men standing and firing, including Lt.-Col. Chamberlain firing his pistol and a bullet-riddled U.S. flag. One prone man with a pistol, reaches over to check to see if a man is dead. Quite a gripping picture of big-time bravery.
--Old Secesh
Mort Kunsler Civil War Calendar for October 2017-- Part 1: Courage in Blue
From the Mort Kunstler 2017 Civil War Calendar.
During the Battle of Fredericksburg on December 13, 1962, Northern troops from the Army of the Potomac repeatedly assaulted impregnable Southern positions on Marye's Heights. Wave after wave of Federal troops charged up the hill -- and were slaughtered. Casualties were horrific.
Near dusk, after numerous unsuccessful attempts to break the Confederate line, another assault was ordered. Among the front-line troops chosen for the attack was the 20th Maine Infantry, whose officers included Lieutenant-Colonel Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain.
Wednesday, October 4, 2017
Civil War II-- 579: It Is Time To Stop Calling It "Vandalizing"?
It is time for the media to stop referring to the horrible things being done to Confederate statues and memorials as "vandalizing" and start calling it what it REALLY IS.
And, that would be a HATE CRIME.
And to start treating those who commit these acts as people carrying out a hate crime.
--Old Secesh
Civil War II-- 578: "Silent Sam" Under Attack at UNC
From the September 14, 2017, Google Alerts for Civil War North Carolina.
** Students are threatening to sue University of North Carolina over Confederate statue. (Loss) The "students" are the racist Black Law Student Association. I'm not sure how many members they have.
Their victim is to be "Silent Sam" the statue honoring UNC students who fought for the Confederacy. There have been near daily protests for its removal and an occasional counter-protest. Also clashes. The statue has been "vandalized" as they call it, but in actuality, a hate crime.
In 2005, UNC added a sculpture nearby honoring enslaved blacks. If "Silent Sam" comes down, this new one should also, unless the enslaved blacks were students.
** Questioning the revelance of Confederate statues.
Things to Know About P.G.T. Beauregard-- Part 4: Does This Sound Like the Rantings of a Racist?
** His reputation among Southerners was badly hurt by his outspoken work for human rights. "As part of a coalition of prominent white and black New Orleanians, he not only argued to give black people voting rights but also pushed for integrated schools, public places and transportation.
** "I am persuaded that the natural relation between white and colored people is that of friendship," he wrote in an article published in July 1873 newspaper. "I am persuaded that their interests are identical; that their destinies in this state, where the two races are equally divided, are linked together; and that there is no prosperity for Louisianans which must not result of their cooperation.
"I am equally convinced that the evils anticipated by some men from the practical enforcement of equal are mostly imaginary and that the relation of the races in the exercise of these rights will speedily adjust themselves to the satisfaction of all."
Unfortunately, this black-white movement failed.
Looks like perhaps, the Beauregard statue should not have been taken down.
Beauregard, Supporter of Equal Rights. Enemy of Blacks? --Old Secesh
New Orleans,
P.G.T. Beauregard,
Tuesday, October 3, 2017
Things to Know About P.G.T. Beauregard-- Part 3: Ladies Man, Railroad Man and Wealth
** He was quite the ladies man, especially as the "Hero of Fort Sumter" He traveled literally with wagon loads of champagne for entertaining.
** He was instrumental in getting the famous New Orleans street cars running.
** A railroad man. After his return to New Orleans after the war, he served as president of the New Orleans, Jackson Great Northern Railroad. Later he was president of the New Orleans and Carrollton Street Railway, where he invented a system of cable powered street cars.
** He became quite wealthy.
** Appointed head of the Louisiana Lottery in 1877.
--Old Secesh
Monday, October 2, 2017
Civil War II-- Part 577: Watch Out for Those Dangerous Confederate Sweaters!!
From the September 13, 2017, Google Alerts for Confederate.
** Confederate monuments mark America's prejudice.
** The neighbors mad at you for flying the Confederate battle flag?
** Confederate Flag sweater stirs up debate at Langdale County school. (Loss) You've got to watch out for those prejudiced sweaters. Mighty dangerous, you know.
** Miss New Jersey wants Confederate statues moved to museum. It comes to this?
--Old Secesh
Civil War II-- Part 576: UNC Could Be Sued for "Silent Sam"
From the September 13, 2017, Google Alerts for Confederate.
** Caravan sporting Confederate Flags crosses country.
** Monumental issues: Some want Confederate statues moved. (Bell County, Texas)
** Editorial: Richmond should stand ready for trouble at Confederate demonstration. (Virginia) This was a demonstration put on by C.S.A. II coming up on Saturday.
** North Carolina college could be sued over Confederate statue. (UNC) "Silent Sam"
--Old Secesh
Things to Know About P.G.T. Beauregard-- Part 2:
** Beauregard was also involved with designing the "Confederacy's most enduring and controversial symbol," the Confederate battle flag.
** He didn't like his first name and signed everything G.T. Beauregard.
** Had a French heritage and that was his primary language as a youth.. He didn't learn English until he was 12-years old.
** His nickname was "Little Napoleon" because he was small and had the French heritage as well as a fascination with Napoleon.
** He had been appointed superintendent of West Point in January 1861, but the appointment was withdrawn the next day when Louisiana seceded from the Union.
--Old Secesh
** He didn't like his first name and signed everything G.T. Beauregard.
** Had a French heritage and that was his primary language as a youth.. He didn't learn English until he was 12-years old.
** His nickname was "Little Napoleon" because he was small and had the French heritage as well as a fascination with Napoleon.
** He had been appointed superintendent of West Point in January 1861, but the appointment was withdrawn the next day when Louisiana seceded from the Union.
--Old Secesh
Things To Know About P.G.T. Beauregard-- Part 1: "A Man of Great Contradiction"
From the May 16, 2017 (n)ew (o)rleans Times Picayune "P.G.T. Beauregard: What to know about him before his Confederate monument is removed"
** His roots to (n)ew (o)rleans run much deeper than those of Jefferson Davis or Robert E. Lee. He was born in St. Bernard Parish and spent most of his non-military career in (n)ew (o)rleans.
** He "was a man of great contradiction. He fired the first shots in a war to preserve slavery, yet in defeat argued passionately for human rights and for granting black people the right to vote."
(Actually. Lincoln had already said that slavery would be allowed to remain in the Southern states after he was elected and before the states seceded so i would have to disagree with part of that last statement.)
** His biographer, T. Harry Williams, in his book "P.G.T. Beauregard: Napoleon in Gray," wrote, "but after the war he helped destroy the old agrarian way and to build the New -- the industrial-- South."
--Old Secesh
** His roots to (n)ew (o)rleans run much deeper than those of Jefferson Davis or Robert E. Lee. He was born in St. Bernard Parish and spent most of his non-military career in (n)ew (o)rleans.
** He "was a man of great contradiction. He fired the first shots in a war to preserve slavery, yet in defeat argued passionately for human rights and for granting black people the right to vote."
(Actually. Lincoln had already said that slavery would be allowed to remain in the Southern states after he was elected and before the states seceded so i would have to disagree with part of that last statement.)
** His biographer, T. Harry Williams, in his book "P.G.T. Beauregard: Napoleon in Gray," wrote, "but after the war he helped destroy the old agrarian way and to build the New -- the industrial-- South."
--Old Secesh
Sunday, October 1, 2017
Mapping During the War-- Part 2: "The Official Military Atlas of the Civil War"
Continuied from September 21, 2017.
Ironically, Jedidiah Hotchkiss was born in New York, became a teacher in Pennsylvania and traveled extensively in Pennsylvania before moving to the Shenandoah Valley where he joined Jackson in 1861.
Many of the areas of the South, where most of the fighting would occur had been inadequately mapped before the war.
Both the Union and Confederate leaders relied on their "topography" staffs. Many of these maps were compiled after the war into "The Official Military Atlas of the Civil War." It was compiled between 1891-1895 under a board of directors and credited to Captain Calvin D. Cowles, 23rd U.S. Infantry.
It consists of 821 maps, 106 engravings )mostly of fortifications and 209 drawings of weapons, logistical equipment, uniforms and federal corps flags.
It was tied to the Official Records War of the Rebellion, Union and Confederate.
--Old secesh
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