The Battle of Fort Fisher, N.C.

Monday, October 2, 2017

Things To Know About P.G.T. Beauregard-- Part 1: "A Man of Great Contradiction"

From the May 16, 2017 (n)ew (o)rleans Times Picayune    "P.G.T. Beauregard:  What to know about him before his Confederate monument is removed"

**  His roots to (n)ew (o)rleans run much deeper than those of Jefferson Davis or Robert E. Lee.  He was born in St. Bernard Parish and spent most of his non-military career in (n)ew (o)rleans.

**  He "was a man of great contradiction.  He fired the first shots in a war to preserve slavery, yet in defeat argued passionately for human rights and for granting black people the right to vote."

(Actually. Lincoln had already said that slavery would be allowed to remain in the Southern states after he was elected and before the states seceded so i would have to disagree with part of that last statement.)

**  His biographer, T. Harry Williams, in his book "P.G.T. Beauregard: Napoleon in Gray," wrote, "but after the war he helped destroy the old agrarian way and to build the New -- the industrial-- South."

--Old Secesh

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