The Battle of Fort Fisher, N.C.

Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Put My 34-Star Civil War Flag Out for 4th of July

Earlier today, I put out my U.S. flags and patriotic items.

One of the flags I put up was a 34-Star Round flag that was used in the United States between 1861 and 1863.  There is a big star in the center of the Union and stars arranged in two circles going out from it.  In each corner there was also a star.

When Fort Sumter was fired upon, the flag had 33 stars.  But Kansas became a state and it went to 34 stars.

There were several variations of the 34-star flag.  One had four rows of 7 stars and a middle row of 6.  Another was the 34-star Great Flower Design and yet another was the 34-star cluster.  Go to Historical Flags Of Our Ancestors Flags of the American Civil War.

Happy Birthday U.S.A..  --Old Secesh, But Not So Much Today

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