The Battle of Fort Fisher, N.C.

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Death of Gen. William Wallace-- Part 3: With His Wife By His Side

And, then things turned for the worse.

Ann Wallace recalled the end of the general's life:

"He seemed so happy and satisfied to have me so near him, but lay in calm self-control, even in death, conscious that  his moments of life were continued only by this rest.  Hope with us grew brighter until a periodical delirium, caused by excessive inflammation, passed away and his pulse began to fail; we knew his moments with us were few.

"My darling knew he was going and pressed my hand long and fondly to his heart.  Then he waved me away as aid, 'We meet in Heaven."

"They were the last words upon those loved lips., and he faded away gently and peacefully and hopefully."

I wonder if any other Civil War soldiers died with their wives at their side?

--Old Secesh

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