The Battle of Fort Fisher, N.C.

Tuesday, December 15, 2020

What Happened With the 87th New York's Officers When They Consolidated With the 40th New York?

When the 87th New York Infantry was absorbed into the 40th New York Infantry I was surprised to see that only the enlisted men became a part of the 40th.  Why were the 87th's officer not brought over as well.  I had seen somewhere else that the 87th's officers were discharged from the Army at that time.

Did something happen.  I know I've read in one place that the 87th was consolidated because of heavy losses.  Looking at their casualties, I can't see that they had that many enough to require consolidation.

So, what gives.

Just like Thomas Aumack's service and wounding/possible illness is a question, so is this.

What Happened?  --Old Secesh

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